Wednesday 20 March 2013

These Are The People That Tell Us...

...we shouldn't cut benefits because of those few purely anecdotal stories about benefit scroungers in the press, let's remember.

Isabelle Szmigin (professor of marketing at the University of Birmingham):
That it might not work, or that some people may suffer more than others from a price increase is not something I dispute. The point is that, whatever the figures tell us about some recent reductions in the consumption of alcohol in the UK, most of us have had experiences of the impact of excessive alcohol that cannot leave us in two minds regarding the need to do more about it.
H/T: Tim Worstall


  1. professor of marketing

    So not a real professor.

  2. "So not a real professor."

    .........but undoubtedly getting real professor's wages.

    If you want a giggle, go to the TES site and search "lecturer hairdressing" or similar. There was a lovely letter a few months ago from a university drone explaining why the course she taught in hairdressing NEEDED to be at degree level (and implicity why she NEEDED to be paid a don's wages to teach teenagers how to work Babyliss Straighteners).

    Honestly, I was so moved I nearly sent her a tenner, just to keep her pecker up. But then the meds kicked in and I was alright again.

  3. Twenty_Rothmans20 March 2013 at 17:38

    that cannot leave us in two minds regarding the need to do more about it.

    In Isabelle Szmigin's case, she's talking about two quarter-minds there.

    Interfering hag. I wonder what her experiences were.

  4. I've had experiences of the impact of excessive immigration - what day does that campaign start Isabelle ?

  5. There is rain-forest in Mexico, though I daresay the drug-cartels have cleared most of it to cultivate cannabis and other evil potions.

    God speed the drugs trade into the stinking pits of Hell.

  6. "So not a real professor."

    Sadly, as Bobo points out, these days it doesn't matter... :/

    "I've had experiences of the impact of excessive immigration - what day does that campaign start Isabelle ?"


    "God speed the drugs trade into the stinking pits of Hell."

    I think this comment was meant for the art post? ;)
