Wednesday 6 March 2013

She’s Clearly No Angell…

Kimberley Jane Angell was only 15 years old when she was locked up for three years for stabbing a pregnant woman from behind.
After she was released from that sentence, she armed herself with a ten-inch serrated kitchen knife, broke into the Arc Light Centre in York by climbing over its fence and rampaged through its ground floor while those inside locked themselves in bedrooms and a staff booth for safety and phoned police, York Crown Court heard.
Police quickly arrived, and deployed tactics you might expect for an escaped wild animal:
Police cordoned off part of Clarence Street to protect the public from Angell when she emerged...
Sadly, rather than dealing with her as you would a dangerous escaped wild animal, they just pepper-sprayed her.

So. What caused her rampage?
Her solicitor, Liam Hassan, said Angell had a number of problems, including lack of family support, lack of accommodation and a drugs problem.
In January this year, the Arc Light Centre in Union Terrace had barred her for 48 hours for having alcohol on the premises and she had been angry about it.
There's a lot of that going around, Kimberley. I'm pretty angry too.


  1. Fidel Cuntstruck6 March 2013 at 10:52

    A quick google of "The Arc Light Centre" reveals - surprise, surprise - that it's a Cheridee providing accomodation and support for the homeless in York. No doubt ms Angell isn't the only disgruntled ex-customer they've had to deal with - so why are the staff so ill equipped to deal with someone kicking off? haven't they yet learned that giving giving giving to these people just means they take take take? and when they don't get their own way they consider it their right to trash the place and threaten the trembling Lefties who supposedly run it?

    Would it be too much to expect that there would be at least one person in the building at all times, who has some basic disarming and restraint technique? and by that I don't mean "pacifying" techniques such as offering cigarettes or cups of Tea.


  2. I blame the police.

  3. "Would it be too much to expect that there would be at least one person in the building at all times, who has some basic disarming and restraint technique?"


    "I blame the police."

    There is, indeed, a lot of that going around!
