Tuesday 5 March 2013

Southend Is First Again!

A man was left in hospital after the historic first wedding on Southend Pier descended into a brawl.
Police and paramedics were called after violence broke out in the toilet of the Cultural Centre, where the reception was being held on Saturday night. It left one guest, 23, with a facial injury.
Lovely! Mind you, the smoking policy is also a recipe for disaster...
Guests who wanted to smoke had to hop on a pier train for the 1.3mile trip to shore every time they needed to light up.


  1. A punch-up at Southend is a hallowed custom. It's nice to see the old traditions continuing.

  2. Southend has a cultural centre?
    At least they placed it a long way from the centre of town.

  3. Really the whole length of Southend Pier is non-smoking ?

    Jebus Christ on a Bike

  4. Twenty_Rothmans5 March 2013 at 20:33

    @ Pavlov's Cat

    Not been to Sydney, then?

  5. "A punch-up at Southend is a hallowed custom."

    Heh! True... ;)

    "Southend has a cultural centre?"

    Yes indeed! More, as they say, later...

    "Really the whole length of Southend Pier is non-smoking ? "

    Astonishing, isn't it?

  6. Southend has put itself forward as a candidate for city of culture 2015.I don't know the area at all but i'm sure you have a view on this Julia!!
