Tuesday 19 March 2013

Working Like A Well Oiled Machine, Eh?

That’s our justice system!
A teenager breached an order designed to break up a gang that has terrorised Southend. But the 16-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, faced no punishment after admitting meeting up with other members of gang Get Paid Daily, or GDP.
I know. I was shocked too!
Charlie Cox, 19, of Beresford Road, Southend, who was among GDP members the teen met in Southchurch Road, Southend, on January 31, was also due at Basildon Crown Court, along with another 16-year-old gang member, for various breaches of the gang injunction.
But the prison service failed to produce pair, despite written requests from the police and defence counsel.
Had they lost him down the back of the staffroom sofa?


  1. I thought the acronym for Get Paid Daily was GPD not GDP.

  2. It's the 'Echo' - hardly much better than the 'Mail' or 'Guardian' when it comes to typos, despite their 'Local Newspaper Of The Year' award!

  3. "But the prison service failed to produce the pair, despite written requests......" Whatever happened to The Bench issuing a warrant for the Governor of the Prison to appear and explain why they weren't brought to court?
