Tuesday 19 March 2013

Yes, You're Unique. Just Like Everyone Else...

The punk rocker’s solicitor, Lee-Anne Robins-Hicks, said his client was about to make a new release in which he was promoting “music against racism”.
Well, that's a damn funny way to go about it.
Mrs Robins-Hicks said Roberts could not remember anything about the incident.
He had had difficulty adapting to a “normal” life after travelling the country with his rock band and knew at first-hand what it felt like to experience discrimination as a “member of an unique group”.
I don't think refusal to buy your crap records is equivalent to being abused because of your colour, now is it?


  1. ah yes the old "I'm a minority as well and so is my wife " card

    Didn't you know we are all minorities now.
    We have to be, the PTB certainly don't listen to the majority any more.

  2. Fidel Cuntstruck19 March 2013 at 12:37

    Shame the turkish chap didn't dole out a spot of instant justice really. No need for that sort of response from the "Rock Star" - but me not being a 'sleb and all that, I just wouldn't understand would I?. I suppose now we'll be paying for the courts to smack his bottom and ask him to promise not to do it again

  3. "Didn't you know we are all minorities now. "

    Except for the white Anglo Saxon male. They can still be abused with impunity.

    "I suppose now we'll be paying for the courts to smack his bottom and ask him to promise not to do it again"

    Indeed! :/
