Friday 19 April 2013

I Wonder What This Means…

Lal, who worked at Pharma Health Care on Canvey, had his registration suspended following a hearing last year.
But a review panel has now banned him permanently claiming he was making limited progress on a sexual misconduct training course.
Answers in the comments, please…


  1. Fidel Cuntstruck19 April 2013 at 10:39

    Local Newspapers eh? :0/

    The gaffes are about the only thing that makes our local rag worth reading.

    I, obviously erroneously, always assumed that a degree in Journalism would naturally include the honing of one's grammatical skills.

    Silly me ....

  2. A course where you are trained in sexual misconduct. Where do I sign up?

  3. He was on trial in 2010 but the Mail seemed to lose interest in the story as they gave up reporting half way through. This may be because there was one of those strange breaks in the trial which eventually ended in February 2011.

    On 4 February 2011 at the Crown Court sitting at Basildon, Mr Lal was convicted of offences of sexual assault on two females and on 18 March 2011, at the Crown Court sitting at Southend, was sentenced in respect of each offence to a Community Order for 3 years, with a 3 years supervision requirement and a requirement to participate in the Thames Valley Sex Offender programme.

    The professional determination is here:,%20Roshan%202023572%20-%2002-04-2013.pdf

    The strange thing was, he had a long and uncontroversial service, the bulk of his career from 1978, then suddenly started behaving badly around 2005.

  4. I once met a very nice young woman who told me she was a "Sexual Harassment Trainer". For some reason, she seemed non-plussed when I asked if she gave private lessons.

  5. AMB, I'm reminded of our local council advertising for a 'Teenage Pregnancy Coordinator'.
