Monday 29 April 2013

This Blog Is Five Today!

It doesn't feel like I've been doing this for five years...but it seems I have!


  1. Happy birthday. I enjoy your witty or frustrated comments on news items.

  2. Congratulations! Quite an achievement with the impressive amount of content you produce daily. Keep it up, and here's to another 5 years. :)

  3. Congratulations, madam. You’ll be having a glass of something later, I trust?

  4. Happy bloggiversary! (Or whatever the appropriate salutation may be)

    It's no mean achievement to have carved out for yourself such a distinctive and high-profile blogging role in only five years - congratulations!

  5. I am a regular visitor. Keep up the good work. The insanities of Modern GB need to be pointed out.

  6. And you look younger, er, well, I don't know that for a fact but somehow I just do! Here's to the next five!

  7. Happy Birthday! I've enjoyed reading the blog over the years, long may you and it continue.

  8. Happy Birthday

    Any trends emerged over the 5 years?

  9. Happy birthday, Julia.
    Keep up the good work.

  10. Same as everyone else. Many happy returns!

  11. Keep picking the glitter off the turd...there's plenty more work to be done !

  12. Well done, Julia.

    I don't know how you do it. Since I emigrated, I find the lunacy even harder to stomach than before.

  13. Cheers all! :)

    I shall indeed be partaking - in fact, it's now #ginoclock!

    As for trends, I think the overwhelming one is "plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose"...

  14. Congratulations, Julia. Your presentations have always combined an interesting slant with a Porsche-like quality.

  15. Bunny,

    Cheers Julia keep up the good work, I enjoy your blog even though I don't agree with all your views. Mrs Erdleigh what a pleasure to see you off the astral plane.

  16. I hate you... no really, I do.

    Since your blog started, I just don't feel I've got my finger on the pulse until I've read the latest instalment. Its got to the point where I'm checking in here before the traditional morning fag and coffee. You've completely ruined bleary-eyed time for me.

    Still, if it wasn't here I'd be hanging around some lesser blog or spending more hours over at MW's place trying to get my head around Land Value Tax, 6 years there and still no wiser. It's all very well hobnobbing with them intellectuals but it doesn't half hurt me head.

    Anyroad... keep up the good work J, and here's to another 50. Oooops, I mean 5.


  17. Congrats and never fear; modern Britain will continue to provide you with frustration and inspiration for a few years yet!

    BTW - Where are the chocolate cake and candles?
