Monday 29 April 2013

Two-Tier Justice...

A vulnerable man was punched in a "nasty" unprovoked attack. The 53-year-old man, who suffers with mental health issues, was attacked outside the Crystal Nail Bar, in Stonecot Hill, on Saturday, April 13, between 5pm and 5.30pm.
So, was he attacked as a ‘special victim’? Well, no:
He had just been to the Game Exchange shop when a man walked towards him and punched him in the face.
No taunting, no prior threats or discriminatory language:
Police believe the attacker, who was swearing loudly as he walked along the street, then got on the 413 bus towards Sutton.
So, what makes this different, more awful, than if he’d punched me. Or you. Or your friends?

And anyone want to bet if they catch this chap, his defence will immediately be that he's a 'vulnerable man' too?


  1. Did the bloke take exception that the other fella had just been to the Game Exchange shop? Pile of crap this is.

    Talking of games, it is always my belief that you should do what makes you happy and not dance to someone else's tune. You will find that the people that love you will be patient and support you whatever decisions you make.

    Positive thinking. Better than a smack in the gob ;)


  2. "Did the bloke take exception that the other fella had just been to the Game Exchange shop? Pile of crap this is."

    Who knows? He's clearly a kiwi fruit short of a fruit salad himself!

  3. "You will find that the people that love you will be patient and support you..."

    If they really loved you they'd put you in a home or phone that 'special clinic' in Geneva.

    Gee damn, I'm feeling distinctly positive already.

    (sorry, its late, and my meds are wearing off)
