Tuesday 14 May 2013

Wait, We're Importing Them Now?

...I thought we had enough of our own:
Sommer, the son of wealthy plastic surgeons, was remanded in custody to May 28 for sentencing after the judge was told he was wanted on a European arrest warrant for the murder of a woman.
Coming over here, taking our 'care in the community' resources...
Judge Brian Barker, the Recorder of London, said: "Clearly public protection is uppermost in everybody's mind."
Oh, Judge, that's nowhere near as reassuring as you probably think it is...

1 comment:

  1. Twenty_Rothmans14 May 2013 at 22:18

    Loons are universal, it seems.

    Even under the auspices of a pre-Common Market environment, he'd have got in. There was that Dutchman in Bristol, too.

    Probably one for the 'very sad' basket, and with any luck he'll be repatriated. The Germans, unlike so many of our donor (or should I say doner) countries, are quite contrite when this sort of thing happens.
