Monday 24 June 2013

So Close, But No Cigar…

Problem dog owners who abandon dangerous and banned animals in Blackburn and Darwen should be prosecuted, a leading councillor has warned.
Well, hurrah! At last! Someone gets it, do they?

Clearly, it was too much to hope for, though:
Blackburn councillor Mike Lee, the Conservative group leader, said: “The dogs are not looked after properly and they become aggressive.
We need to start targeting these owners and challenging their right to own these breeds of dog. There’s no reason why a home owner needs a bull terrier.”
*sighs* We’ve seen this kind of ‘logic’ before, haven’t we?

There’s no reason why they shouldn’t own one, provided they are responsible and train the beast properly. It's the ones who aren't and don't that need the close scrutiny...
Darwen councillor Paul Browne said: “I get a lot of complaints about stray dogs in the estates, and I’ve seen lads in their twenties walking around with these bull terriers and trying to make a statement. I’m petrified of these dogs and just get out of their way.”
Well, that’s exactly why they own these dogs, isn't it?


  1. "Problem dog owners who abandon dangerous and banned animals in Blackburn and Darwen should be prosecuted, ........"

    "Take me to your owner, demanded the Dog Warden to the mutt". For the umpteenth time.

  2. Another reason to mandate chipping (even though it's not foolproof & won't be undertaken by problem owners anyway!)?

  3. Aye. Chip all the bastards. Harry Ramsdens would be a good place to start doing it.
