Monday 30 September 2013

Unions In Actually Doing Some Good SHOCK!

GMB and Unite have pledged their support for the lobby group Unchain the Brighton Motorist. The group is organising opposition to Brighton and Hove City Council’s 20 miles per hour speed zones and high parking charges.
The national executive leadership of both unions has endorsed the move.
Well, there’s a surprise! Actually doing something useful.

Mind you, it wasn’t the only surprise:
Mike Hildreth, GMB union secretary for taxi drivers, said the union is responding on behalf of its 15,000 members in Sussex and the 7,000 members in Brighton and Hove.
He said the move also has the backing of the Sudanese Taxi Forum, Independent Taxi Drivers and members of the Arab Taxi Association.
The…the what?!?


  1. It's the old phrase that gets trotted out at work often, what has the trade union done for us, a waste of money.

    Its odd how the benefits that have been negotiated and pay rises and other perks soon get forgotten along with the short memory about the totally ruthless dictatorship approach that was the norm from management before the Union arrived, i expect the Arab Taxi association has done a lot of good for local arabs and taxi jobs, let's face it if you go to places like Nottingham then the Asians have got all the taxi jobs. its being part of these organisations that produce real benefits although the stereotypical British worker can't bear to spend £2 week to join em.

  2. @Rickie

    Hook out eh? ;0)

  3. "... if you go to places like Nottingham then the Asians have got all the taxi jobs"

    If only there was a white British organisation? We could call it something like the English Defence Lea.... argh, wait a mo'.

    Question: Why aren't these organisations illegal? Surely they should be. Shouldn't they? Or do our laws now apply equally to everyone?

  4. ..the Sudanese Taxi Forum and Arab Taxi Association..
    At least the Greens will be morally and politically obliged to listen to them..

  5. "... the totally ruthless dictatorship approach that was the norm from management before the Union arrived..."

    So, we swapped that for totally ruthless dictatorships from unions instead?

    Or have you forgotten the closed shop and the rampant political correctness and the murder?

    "Hook out eh?"

    Something's sure hanging out. Doesn't look like a hook though... ;)

    "If only there was a white British organisation? We could call it something like the English Defence Lea.... argh, wait a mo'."


    "At least the Greens will be morally and politically obliged to listen to them.."

    Heh! Anxious times in Greenie Wonderland... ;)
