Sunday 20 October 2013

I Wonder If The Undertaker Offers A ‘Two For One’ Deal?

An Eltham scaffolder "settled the score" with his brother by plunging a carving knife into his chest following their other brother's funeral, a court heard.
The family split into two factions with an official wake at Charlton Park Rugby Club while the defendant and others went to the Edmund Halley pub in Burnt Ash Road.
Is there an unspoken theme here?
Mr Wright said: "It was therefore friction between various members of the Hayes family and extended family that led to violence.
"Too much drink had been consumed by some, tempers were frayed and bearing in mind the events of the day and family history, emotions were running high."
Well, I’m sure, but even so…!


  1. Mr Higham, shurely you mean 'Chav-ulets'?

  2. Good job there wasn't a full moon that night.

  3. "Mr Higham, shurely you mean 'Chav-ulets'?"


    "Good job there wasn't a full moon that night."

