Monday 21 October 2013

Really? Why?

"I am not surprised about what has happened. I think this sort of thing will be happening more and more.”
Has someone declared open season on school dinner ladies and no-one told me?


  1. It's reassuring to see how well our children are being brought up as this quote from the report illustrates " . . the area was crazy when the kids were let out. A lot were taking pictures . . . " Nice!

  2. XX police said neither of the injured people, who are thought to be a couple, suffered life-threatening injuries. XX

    After being stabbed six times..... and a suicide attempt.

    Not very good with a knife, was he?

  3. "It's reassuring to see how well our children are being brought up..."

    Sadly, I doubt the parents would have been doing anything else, had they been there...

    "Not very good with a knife, was he?"

    We could chalk it up to excellent medical care?
