Friday 1 November 2013

I Think It Must Run In The Family…

Adjei Amaning, 52, from Croydon, set up the Stigma charity last year after hiding the fact that two of his brothers suffered from schizophrenia for much of his life.
Setting up the charity cost Mr Amaning his marriage and his house, he now lives on a friend’s floor and is facing bankruptcy.
Oh dear! But…
But he said it was worth it.
In its latest campaign the mental health charity is calling for people to turn their own cameras on themselves for its new campaign against the stigma of mental illness.
Stigma wants to compile a giant collage of 'selfies' - self-shot snaps of yourself - to highlight how widespread mental issues are.
Well, I heartily approve! As long as their names & addresses are attached, I feel it’s good to have fair warning.


  1. There's a ready-made collection here:

  2. @ Joe Public..........I really don't know what to say to that link!

    As for the post....DEAR GOD!

  3. Bunny

    What has been said before, dear God!

  4. ""But he said it was worth it.""

    What is he? Mental?!

  5. Re selfiesatfunerals. WTF! No other comment needed.

  6. XX Adjei Amaning, 52, from Croydon, set up the Stigma charity last year after hiding the fact that two of his brothers suffered from schizophrenia for much of his life. XX

    That is what comes of shagging your first cousins, Mothers, Sisters, Brothers, for generations!

  7. Bunny

    Mt Teutonicus are you referring to the bearded savages with your incest comment? If so it is not a valid excuse to excuse their behaviour or inbred mental health issues. How often do we hear of people from Shropshire or Somerset acting in a similar manner?

  8. I blame the DSM (diagnostic and statistical manual) which in its various incarnations has blurred the line between unhappy/ anxious/agitated and stark raving mad by calling everything a mental illness requiring treatment by doctors therapists and pharmaceuticals.

  9. XX How often do we hear of people from Shropshire or Somerset acting in a similar manner? XX


  10. If you want to see the effects of inbreeding,don't bother with Norfolk, go to certain East London areas and you will see it. I saw two cases of Microcephaly in the space of an hour. This is a condition which is supposed to be very rare. To see two cases such a short space of time examples of a condition that even Doctors should be expected not to see too much of, tells me there is a serious problem going on.

  11. Anon The DSM does clinicalise ordinary human feelings and I don't think that this is altogether a good thing.

  12. "There's a ready-made collection here..."


    "What is he? Mental?!"


    "I blame the DSM (diagnostic and statistical manual) which in its various incarnations has blurred the line between unhappy/ anxious/agitated and stark raving mad by calling everything a mental illness.."

    Including (apparently) comfort eating!

    "I saw two cases of Microcephaly in the space of an hour."

