Tuesday 3 December 2013

And What About The 'Idiots' Who Decided To Prosecute?

Peter Rowlands, representing Mr Subhani, told the court today: 'In fairness to the prosecution, it is now common ground that had certain documents held by Pakistan International Airlines been made available from the outset these two men would not have had to face trial.'
Ah. Blame the foreigners! That's always a good tactic, eh? Our plucky CPS did their best, they had a solid case but were let down by..

Oh. Hang on.
A series of witnesses told the court that although the men had acted like idiots, they had not heard a bomb threat.
Nadeem Sufi, captain of the Pakistan International Airlines flight PK709, originally alerted the authorities to the scare.
But he later told the court that, as the severity of the diversion became apparent, he tried to reverse this decision by telling air traffic control the men were 'laughing and joking'.
Ah. Maybe not...
Barristers for both men said they did not blame the police or Crown Prosecution Service for the case being brought to court.
I do.


  1. If they wanted to be taken seriously, they should have just tweeted it.


  2. 60 days in prison awaiting trial was it?

  3. The way I read the earlier court reports was this:

    - the brothers behaved like arseholes, getting in to some unfathomable spat with the cabin crew, which included that florid swearing and an unfortunate turn of phrase "I'll kill you".

    - The captain at first thought he had real trouble then realized it was the usual problem with egos clashing.

    - It was too late and they had to make an emergency landing. The cabin staff, to cover up the diversion and the cost of it, promptly made up a fairytale about how they thought they were being threatened with a bomb

    - But when the Pakistani authorities investigated, and witnesses in court explained that the b-word was not mentioned until AFTER the diversion was announced, it could be seen that this was just churlish behaviour by the passengers and overbearing hysteria by the cabin staff.

    So the CPS should have brought someone to court: the cabin crew for attempting to pervert the course of justice by giving untrue information.

  4. "If they wanted to be taken seriously, they should have just tweeted it."


    "60 days in prison awaiting trial was it?"

    An even bigger outrage.

    "So the CPS should have brought someone to court: the cabin crew for attempting to pervert the course of justice by giving untrue information."

    If only!

  5. XX But he later told the court that, as the severity of the diversion became apparent, he tried to reverse this decision by telling air traffic control the men were 'laughing and joking'.XX

    Last radio message to NYC ATC 11/9/01 "It's all O.K, a mere missunderstanding, they were only jok....in.....OH FUUUUUUCCCCKKKK! BANG!"
