Tuesday 3 December 2013

What Would Improve Sharon Lindsay’s Temperament, Though?

A woman whose massive Akita dog savaged three people including a seven-year-old boy is facing jail. Callous Sharon Lindsay even tried to blame one victim for her own injuries, claiming she goaded the dog with food. Lindsay
had ignored police and council advice on how to control the beast and refused to hand it over to authorities after the third attack.
And yet, with remarkable persistence (maybe because they take these things more seriously in Scotland, they didn't give up:
“A warrant was granted and the dog was traced at a vet’s office where it was being neutered. It showed a great deal of aggression and had to be restrained using two dog poles.”
Lindsay, 40, admitted three charges under the Dangerous Dogs Act. Her lawyer George Donnelly said: “The dog has been neutered and may be of a different temperament.”
'May be'..? Don't you think someone ought to check?
Sheriff Richard Davidson deferred sentence for reports. He said: “If the scars one of these victims suffered had been caused by a human being they would be looking at three to four years in prison.”
Give the owner what the dog would have got if it had been a human then. Job done!


  1. "Give the owner what the dog would have got ..."


  2. Also from the Daily Record I saw this.


    What threat is a little girl or indeed any child to these people who own dogs such as these.

    All dogs bite. All dogs can be dangerous. But some dogs are naturally more aggressive than most and need firm control.

    If the owners cannot control them, then they should not have them.

  3. Bunny

    Can we neuter the bitch too? Might be too late, but it would be symbolic for the other owners of dangerous dogs.

  4. "Shot."

    Seems only fair.

    "If the owners cannot control them, then they should not have them."


    "Might be too late, but it would be symbolic for the other owners of dangerous dogs."

