Friday 27 December 2013


A teenage girl said she was left feeling “upset” and “uncomfortable” by an assistant at a York shop.
Oh? How? Sleazy sales assistant make a pass?
Lucy, who is a lesbian and celebrated her 19th birthday on Monday, said: “I tend to buy male shoes because I have larger feet than a lot of girls and they are more comfortable.
“I haven’t had any problems with it before and went to the check-out, waited in line.
“When he saw me he asked if they were for me and then went on to say I shouldn’t be buying men’s shoes because I’m a girl, there was a girl’s section for a reason, and he made me feel really uncomfortable for buying something that I liked.”
Whereupon you shrugged it off as just one of those things and carried on with your day, yes?

Ha! Of course not…
Lucy, who is also her mother’s carer, and her friend left the store, but was so shocked by the attitude of the sales assistant that she burst into tears once she got outside.
Oh, man up, princess! Oh. Whoops.

Don’t cry…
Lucy’s mother, Emma, who has Fibromyalgia and was not in the store at the time, said: “She shouldn’t be made to feel bad because she likes them and they fit her better, but he made her feel small, stupid and very, very bad, and I have never had my daughter come out of a store in tears before.
“I phoned them for 20 minutes and I got no reply and I’m furious about this. My daughter is a lesbian and buys mens’ shoes because they suit her style.”
Yes, love, I think we got the message about her sexual preference, though why it should have any bearing on her shoe choice or on this incident, heaven only knows…

The store itself seems a bit baffled by the idea that a complainant will go straight to the papers, rather than to them.
A spokesman for the store, said: “I have not been made aware of any complaint but it may have been a light-hearted comment that has been taken the wrong way. If I was made aware of a member of staff upsetting a customer, the matter would be dealt with internally.”
Will that mollify her? Probably not…


  1. XX Lucy, who is also her mother’s carer,XX

    Don't tell me... Sciatica? AHDV (fgghksuiuzgkwsek) or whatever it is called?

    Brain dead fat bastard that shows up on star maps as a small planet, with an aversion to work and taking responsiblity?


    I can do "the Christmas spirit as well!

  2. I'm a heterosexual non-transvestite man(got the bits, clothing and children to prove it) but i share this woman's pain.

    I went into a womens lingerie department and asked to try on some underwear. The assistant 'cruelly' pointed me in the direction of the mens department. I fought back the tears and whilst not belittling rape in anyway, i felt like i had been 'undergarmently-raped'.

    Now, i may have mentioned i am a heterosexual non-transvestite, but it was clear to me that had i been an obvious transvestite then nothing would have been said.

    This is 2013 people!!!!! A non-transvestite heterosexual male should not be made to feel badly when simply asking to try on a few ladies garments.

    Anyway, the papers have been contacted and i have had my photo taken outside the shop holding up a thong. My children will be so proud.

    By the way, i cared for a sick relative.....thought i should mention it. Please donate and help me to tackle this by visiting the charity's site........ Changing Retailers Against Prejudice...or CRAP.

    Merry Christmas.

  3. Oh, I expect the compo will make her feel better...

  4. Fibromyalgia is a condition I would not wish on my worst enemy.

    Anyone who laughs that condition off is either ignorant of it, or a cunt.

    As to the girl on the other bus to Wimbledon, why didn't she simply put the aforementioned apparel on, and kick the sales twat in the Niagaras?

  5. XX Fibromyalgia is a condition I would not wish on my worst enemy.

    Anyone who laughs that condition off is either ignorant of it, or a cunt.XX

    I have gout, and it is JUST as dibilitating.


    I do not use it as an excues for getting off everything from a hanging, a visit to court, or a day off work to go christmas shopping.

    I DEFFINATELY do not use the fact that I KNOW someone that has gout, to do the same.

  6. I reckon she finally discovered a problem or confrontation about her gayness which matt lucas "im the only gay in the village" on little Britain could never find, its been over 3 years bless her.

    There are smokerloonies who are desperately trying to find bullies to bully them over smoking and then blog about, same shit different story, no bullies are ever found, or muslim phobes who are convinced they will they have their heads chopped off if they pop into Aldi, oh and those basturbators running amok of course

    Being an imaginary victim is the 21st century answer to knitting or stamp collecting as a hobby i agree julia professional grievance-mongers, the sales assistant should have told her those trainers are unisex to piss her off even more,or call her" sweetheart", an old favourite of mine for butch lesbian types.

  7. Presumably, her mother's Fibromyalgia caused the daughter to be a lesbo or have yeti-size feet.

    Why mention it otherwise?

  8. XX Rickie said...
    muslim phobes who are convinced they will they have their heads chopped off XX

    Ask the thousands of christians all over the middle east and Africa, if they are imagining this.

    Go to Lee Rigbys Fiancé and parents and ask THEM if it is fantasy.

    Or are you a DENIER?

  9. I bet your father was angry too, huh, Lucy? Oh, please don't tell me that you are just sponging. That would break my heart.

    I work about 60 hours per week. How much does caring for Lucy's poor, crippled mother (and my mother really is crippled, she can't go more than 50 yards) take, I wonder?

    When my intestinal parasites protest, it results in a runny stream of excrement - which bears a stark resemblance with lazy, legume-licking Lucy.

  10. Just wondering if the sales staff thought she had picked men's shoes by accident and were only trying to help.

  11. Muslim phobes who are convinced they will they have their heads chopped off (if they pop into Aldi)....its all part of victim mongering, everybody is a victim, there is always someone to blame .

    People who i know who moan about Muslims moan about fucking everything, life is one big angry rant for them, and its normally the fuckwits for some reason.

    The worst muslim/immigrant phobe i know is the same bloke who takes his car to the hand wash at the weekend and keeps the buggers in employment and recommends them to everyone.

    There is a problem in Africa, there aint one here. that Doctor Shipman killed about 215, and some doctors are muslim too.. crikey thats a rant for a daft blogger for sure.

  12. Well she'll be sure of a productive career in an abattoir frightening pigs to death by staring at them.

  13. XX Rickie said...

    Muslim phobes XX

    No Rikie dear chap.

    We are NOT scared of them (Phob.. Phobia) We jus HATE the fucking bastards.

    Big difference.

    Oh, and Rikie, when refering to ones seld, as you appear to do on regular occassion, it is "I", and NOT "i".

    Of course, IF you have an inferiority complex, don't let me intrude.

  14. "This is 2013 people!!!!! A non-transvestite heterosexual male should not be made to feel badly when simply asking to try on a few ladies garments."


    "Oh, I expect the compo will make her feel better..."

    Indeed so!

    "Fibromyalgia is a condition I would not wish on my worst enemy."

    I don't doubt it, but it seems - like ADHD - to crop up a lot more in these sort of stories than a look at it's incidence would suggest...

    "Being an imaginary victim is the 21st century answer to knitting or stamp collecting as a hobby..."

    Spot on!

  15. "I work about 60 hours per week. How much does caring for Lucy's poor, crippled mother (and my mother really is crippled, she can't go more than 50 yards) take, I wonder?"

    'Caring' seems to be a full time job with some people. Time was, it was just what families were supposed to do.

    Indeed, it was why families existed.

    "Just wondering if the sales staff thought she had picked men's shoes by accident and were only trying to help."

    Good point.

    When I bought a couple of jumpers - 2 for me, one for my mother (we're different sizes) - the assistant noticed and pointed it out, in case I'd picked up the wrong one.

    Should I have been aggrieved?

    "People who i know who moan about Muslims moan about fucking everything..."

    No, just young girls they first groo...

    Oh. Misread that.
