Friday 27 December 2013

Well, Better Give It Up As A Bad Job Then, Love…

Doreen Lawrence admits defeat:
“I frequently get asked whether life has improved for black Londoners over the 20 years I have been campaigning for reform of our police, criminal justice system and state institutions to better serve my community,” she wrote.
“The straight answer is no, not really. ”
Ah, well, you gave it a good try. Time to quit?


  1. Your question is base. Better to have asked whether the Establishment should discontinue its mean quest to buy a good Mother's grief.

  2. They try MTG but she clearly likes the regular income.

  3. Her son died because he was dealing outside of his manor, end of.

    Look how carefully his mate who survived picks his words.

  4. I have been given to understand that a former prostitute gave up that life for life as an author because it was more profitable. Perhaps if life as a professional whinger was less relatively profitable, people would do more socially useful things.

  5. "My community" ? What could she possibly mean? Residents of Eltham? Londoners in general? Fellow women? Or another demographic altogether?

    The police didn't kill your son Doreen but we completely bodged the investigation.How many more times can we apologise?

    And the biggest killers of young black males are....sharks? Heart attacks? No,guess again...

  6. Well said Jaded.

  7. “I frequently get asked whether life has improved for black Londoners over the 20 years . . . "

    Perhaps not for most Black Londoners. But for you luv I think its worked out pretty well.

    Sorry about what happened to your son, but on the same page as this article was a report about a rise in hate crime against Muslims post Lee Rigby.

    Somehow I do not think we will be hearing fro his mum about her loss over the next god knows how many years.

  8. What Jaded said. The Govt's three pronged approach was Trident...

  9. The outstanding shame to prevail since 1993, are the effusions of bigoted, myopic plod.

    "The police didn't kill your son Doreen..."
    Many see the Met as accomplice to the murder, Jaded. And had it acted alone, those worst affected by the crime might have been spared the decades of miseries past and yet to come.

  10. "Many see the Met as accomplice to the murder"

    No, just any-old-bandwagon-will-do anti plod passengers such as yourself.

  11. Oh dear Melvin,I thought your New Years resolution might be to stop writing things that make us all laugh out loud.
    "Accomplice to murder"? How does that work then? Also define "many" that think this. Please don't include the voices in your head as that's not fair as "many" people don't have those.

  12. The simple and obvious make for the most strident plod guffaws, Jade.

    I am not one for red-faced belly laughs, my dear. However I find it hard to keep a straight face during Mr Cameron's satellite lectures about the rest of the World's corrupt police and judiciaries.

  13. "Better to have asked whether the Establishment should discontinue its mean quest to buy a good Mother's grief."

    Err, if you say so, Melvin. If you say so...

    "Look how carefully his mate who survived picks his words."

    Elected councillor on the back of it, too!

    ""My community" ? What could she possibly mean?"

    I think we all know what she means, don't we?

    "The Govt's three pronged approach was Trident..."

    Which now covers all gang-related crime, doesn't it? Can't be 'discriminatory'... :/
