Friday 20 December 2013

On The Ninth Day Of Christmas, The Overbearing State Gave To Me…

...pointless gestures to undermine personal responsibility:
Fast food restaurants are being lobbied by the council to offer healthier food alternatives as part of plans to crack down on one of the borough's biggest killers. Council bosses are looking to reduce the level of heart disease in the borough with a third of deaths attributed to it in Croydon each year.
And if they refuse?
Dr Mike Robinson, director of public health, said one of the first ports of call will be to liaise with fast food outlets to offer alternative options. Those who offer healthier options will have the chance to display a Heart Town sticker in their windows to show they are affiliated with the scheme.
And if they say 'Thanks, but no thanks'..?
Coun Mead added: "We have concerns which is why we are introducing Heart Town, you cannot force people to change. You can only encourage them.
"Doing this for five years gives us the opportunity to support people and get them to take responsibility for their health."
And when they don't?

Also regulation of every tiny detail of our lives even when safety’s no longer an issue, rushed-through ‘feel good’ policies that fall at the first hurdle, the total inversion of previous guidelines as a result of media hysteria, expansion through scaremongering, confusion over competing rights and equality legislation, rigid application of ‘weapons policies’, prosecution via hindsight and justice system intransigence.


  1. Who goes to the local kebab house for a bloody salad? If there was a market it would already be catered for.

    If I was a Croydon resident (Phew!) I would use the heart stickers as warnings to avoid a spineless business that bent over to the council.

  2. Quite frankly, the more the underclass stuff themselves with crap food, ruin their health and die off of heart disease, the better off the rest of us shall be.

  3. 3 weeks ago I was in an NHS ward after suffering a head injury. My emergency care was superb.

    While I awaited the consultants expert opinion I heard the following conversation between a nurse and the git in the next bed:

    "How much alcohol do you drink"?
    "14 to 16 litres of cider a week"
    "Litres, was that?"
    "Yes, litres. Strong cider. And I've smoked since I was 14 so spare me any lectures"
    "I'm not lecturing".

    I wanted to sling his arse out myself.

  4. This "encourage" the city council is speaking of, is it:

    1. Going to business owners and, through facts and figures, convince them to join this effort.


    2. Something close to a mafia-type encouragement. As in when two man-mountains named Vinnie and Guido come to your house and encourage you to pay Vito the money you owe him.

    (When it comes to government, encouragement is usually of the number 2 variety.)

  5. The councillors seem to have chips on their shoulders about food outlets.

  6. I thought the biggest killer in Croydon was all the vibrancy and the stabbings that result

  7. XX AndrewWS said...

    Quite frankly, the more the underclass stuff themselves with crap food, ruin their health and die off of heart disease, the better off the rest of us shall be.XX

    And who is going to stack super market shelves, empty the bins, and sweep the streets?

  8. C'mon Julia.

    There's hundreds of council employees with nothing better to do than conceive & implement labour-intensive schemes which keep themselves in employment, and help justify their existence.

    Not only has the 'bright spark' of Croydon hit a 'winner', notice that it's not just a 'one-ft', it's a long-term repeat-winner.

  9. XX Bucko The Moose said...

    Who goes to the local kebab house for a bloody salad? XX

    What sort of idiot goes to a kabab house any way?

    You never know WHAT you are eating.

    Mad Jimmys alsatian?

    Mrs Smith from No 42s cat?

    Julie, the next door neighbours daughter?

  10. @Furor

    Hell no, she's in my freezer.

    But as Joe Public pointed out, councils are constrined in their ability to masturbate good money away not by the amount that is available, but by their defiled, insane imaginations.

    They must look at their annual budgets as a retard looks at an ice cream.

  11. "If there was a market it would already be catered for."

    Hence why the State has to step in - there isn't one, and they know it.

    And forcing people always works. Right?

    "I wanted to sling his arse out myself."

    I can't think why. The poor sod has probably heard the same pointless line from every State functionary in the NHS, no matter what he came in for.

    They probably asked YOU, so that they could put your head injury down as 'alcohol related', even if an apple fell on your head while you stood in a pub garden.


    2. Something close to a mafia-type encouragement."

    The government ALWAYS makes you the offer you can't refuse...

    "I thought the biggest killer in Croydon was all the vibrancy and the stabbings that result"


    Though I'd have to say that it couldn't be said there was absolutely no connection between the level of vibrancy and the amount of these fried chicken shops...

  12. "...which keep themselves in employment, and help justify their existence."

    Nail/head interface!

    "They must look at their annual budgets as a retard looks at an ice cream."


  13. FT-how quaint of you to think that Croydons underclass are stacking shelves,emptying the bins etc.
    The underclass of Croydon lay in bed all day before committing crime,sponging off benefits and in-breeding.The jobs you mentioned are being done by Africans and East Europeans.

  14. O.K Jaded.

    It's Christmas time, and I thought I MAY give the bastards the benefit of the doubt...... BUT you are correct.

    Shit does not change its spots.
