Monday 13 January 2014

Are You In The Wrong Job, PC Malcolm Kirk..?

Police officer Malcolm Kirk, who was called to the incident, said an investigation was under way. He said: “This appears to have been a terrible accident with a dog which was well kept.
Yes, all responsible dog owners walk away from the vicious attack that maimed a little girl's pet (so badly it was destroyed) without calling a vet and sink a few pints in the pub instead...

Shouldn't you leave the pathetic excuses to the defence brief..?
Mr Johnson said people should consider the responsibility which comes with dog ownership. He said:“If they’re not responsible enough to control them they shouldn’t have them.”
I feel the same way about a lot of our police. When is Teresa May going to start muzzling and leashing them?

I would call for neutering, but, well...


  1. JuliaM? Why are you surprised? This is what the politicians and the vocal pressure groups wanted, a PC police force, a bunch of uniformed social workers, versed , like the underclass, in the language of no blame, workshops, grants and the rest of loony-leftism. It isn't the officer's fault, that is how he has been trained - such as police training is these days. It's only going to get worse for 'US' as real investigative experience is lost and front line policing becomes non-existant, more a one stop arse wipe shop in uniform.

  2. XX without calling a vet and sink a few pints in the pub instead...XX

    Be fair.

    You find me a vet that would turn out beffore getting the entire details of your gold card account, PLUS confirmation from the bank.

    XX Police officer Malcolm Kirk, who was called to the incident, said an investigation was under way. He said: “This appears to have been a terrible accident with a dog which was well kept.”XX

    YOU are a fucking GRUNT Pal! NOT a fucking "police spokesman."

    What happened to "refer all press questions to H.Q??" Or Sub fucking Judecae,(or however the Italian tits spell it)???

    NO! Instead of that give the fucking defence wankers a field day!

  3. @Furor
    No.....a policeman can make comments to local press over 'Local Policing Incident' matters. Certainly that was the instruction given when i was in the job (durin tha warrr).
    Short bland statements like that were the order of the day, community reassurance and all that.
    Otherwise you get someone from the local press being put through to Force HQ and speaking to someone who has no idea of what you are on about and then has to go away, trawl through the systems, find the incident, read through it and then come back with a short bland statement along the lines of what the PC has stated.

    Personally, i wouldn't have given an opinion like that Officer. I learned quickly in my career that lots of people would ask me for my 'opinion' so they could rush off and quote me to their own advantage. I heard someone in court once say to the judge something along the lines of 'the officer at the scene didn't think i was driving carelessly. The Judge said that was for a court to decide on hearing all the facts, not an initial opinion of an attending officer.

    If i'd ever have made the mistake of giving such an opinion that it was a terrible accident and it later ended up in a prosecution, it would be embarassing but not a problem for me to say that i had made that statement as an opinion prior to the investigation which has resulted in a change of that opinion.

    So just to recap, there are some forces which expect their officers to make short statements about cases of interest locally to the press directly and not through the press office.
    Happy days eh!!!

  4. Merseyside, 70s 80s it was a shooting at dawn offence to even LOOK at the press when asked a question.

    "Contact the press office at Hope Street (Later Canning place)" was the only answer allowed.

  5. "JuliaM? Why are you surprised?"

    Yeah, I suppose I shouldn't be... :/

    "What happened to "refer all press questions to H.Q??"

    It seems a lot of them are prepared to give statements now. I guess they've all done a course...

    " I learned quickly in my career that lots of people would ask me for my 'opinion' so they could rush off and quote me to their own advantage."

    That really, really needs to be in that course!
