Sunday 12 January 2014

Well, Of Course, They've Integrated, Haven't They?

The Syrian battle of Acton is fought not with Kalashnikovs, artillery and car bombs, but with snubs, insults and severed relations.
No doubt it will soon escalate to WMD, such as parking across their drives and refusing to take parcels in when they are out...
‘People feel contempt for them,’ adds Malik al-Abdeh, an opposition journalist whose parents live right opposite the Akhrases.
‘People feel morally superior to them...
How very British!


  1. The Blocked Dwarf12 January 2014 at 13:21

    Knowing the British suburbs it will be a very civil Civil War.
    when putting your wheelie bin out onto the road to 'save' your parking space is Apocalypse Now time....I love the smell of hydrangeas in the morning.

  2. "....I love the smell of hydrangeas in the morning."
    A gem, BD. I did enjoy that one. :lol:

  3. Suburban civil war - bring it on.

  4. "I love the smell of hydrangeas in the morning."

