Friday 7 February 2014

If She’d Been The Labour Party Leader, She’d Have Been Safe!

A nurse was cleared today (Thurs) of using racially motivated language after a tribunal found her comments about relocating foreign workers were 'framed as a question'.
No wonder you can never get a nurse in an NHS hospital, if they are all too busy denouncing each other for doubleplusungood speech…

So…what did she actually say?
Beverley Dinnigan was accused of saying 'there is a law or a policy somewhere saying that the British staff keep their jobs first' after she found out operating theatre staff at Northern General Hospital in Sheffield were to be redeployed.
Yes, amazingly enough, that’s something you can face a tribunal for. OK, you’ll be acquitted, but think of the wasted time and effort before that…
Dinnigan also faced an allegation that she later told theatre nurses: 'They should be looking at the overseas nurses, why should British people be losing our jobs, when we have people on permits working here.'
Goodness me. If only her name had been Ed Miliband, she could have been applauded for it instead…


  1. Shocking innit ? The sooner we get rid of all British people from Britain the better .
    PS . The LibLabCon (EU) are working on just that .

  2. Difficult choice in the healthcare business? Either fat lazy foreign nurses and carers, who can't or won't speak English shuffling along like the mistress of da house from 'Tom & Jerry', wrapping up oldies in adult nappies, turning alarms off while they kip for 8 hours OR the new uber professional, 'I've got a degree I don't do bedpans or give dehydrated people water' attitude from our home grown lot.

    Of course, these are the extremes and the vast majority of people actually do care and do theri jobs despite being paid almost fuck all.

    These cases generally come from yet another section of the 'permanently aggrieved and easily offended' commooooniteee.

  3. 'I warn you, never get sick, never get old...
