Friday 7 February 2014

Let’s See How An Old Friend Is Doing, Shall We?

We all remember Aisha, don’t we?
“All I want is to be left alone and to carry on with my life, but people won’t let me.
“People have come up to me and said, ‘Why don’t you just pack up your things and leave Hull?
“But I am Hull born and bred. I would sooner be in a box than leave Hull. I’m going nowhere.”
Anyone got a really strong box?
“But I am being spat at in the street and verbally abused. I have also been banned from shopping centres and my local pub.”
Hardly surprising…
Despite her most recent conviction only being a few weeks ago, Delaney insists she has now turned her life around.
“I am planning to write a book about all my experiences,” she said.
I wonder what she’ll call it? Answers on that postcard, please…
Delaney says her first goal is to obtain disabled living allowance because she suffers from bipolar disorder.
She asked the Mail to write her a character reference, which she planned to take to her local pub and shopping centres to “prove” her innocence.
We declined.


  1. I don't think she'll have that much trouble proving the's a nutter. That picture in the Mail alone should suffice.

  2. “I was 14 when I became a working girl,” she said.

    Is that what she's euphemistically calling it? Given the pictures I've seen she's certainly a two-bagger.

    As for title - how about

    "My life as a crack-head, thieving, whore"

  3. Excellent plod material.
    Psychotic...and no weapons in addition to 'that look' are required for shattering pensioner's windscreens or lapidiying Brazillian electricians.

  4. I am printing off this page Melvin and making it into a T shirt to celebrate the King of the Internet making a spelling mistake.
    One more mistake and you get to join the police.

  5. Gosh. You must do better if you wish to remain the watchdog of my English, Jaded. The possessing plural shows a misplaced apostrophe.

  6. XX “I am planning to write a book about all my experiences,” she said.

    I wonder what she’ll call it? XX

    "FUCK ME! Can someone please write down what I say, I don't understand all this spelling stuff!"

  7. Ach come ON Jaded! He DID admit his error.

    Means he will NEVER make it above Inspector. So why should he bother?

  8. "I don't think she'll have that much trouble proving the's a nutter."

