Wednesday 19 February 2014

Now I’m Confused…

Chris Keates, general secretary of the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers, said of his comments: “I think it is appalling that people feel they can stand on a public platform and make these sort of comments about working people .
“I just think it is appalling just to say you want to manage through a culture of fear.”
Don’t teachers manage through a culture of fear, then?
Christine Blower, general secretary of the National Union of Teachers, said: “Comments about creating a culture of fear show a distinct lack of understanding of what will work best to encourage all teachers to achieve their optimum for pupils and their school.
“Teachers need to be supported and encouraged to get on with their work, not terrified of a headteacher’s judgement.
“Performance related pay is about paying more teachers less, not so called good teachers more.”
‘So called’ good teachers..? You mean, you may not agree with what others consider a ‘good teacher’?
“Teaching is a collaborative profession which makes measuring teachers’ individual contributions next to impossible. Decisions will be unfair, subjective or even discriminatory.”
Just like they are in…the real world. The world of work. Suck it up.


  1. ""“Teachers need to be supported and encouraged to get on with their work, not terrified of a headteacher’s judgement.""

    Sounds like he wants teachers to be treated in the same wishy washy, namby pamby, wet toast way they treat kids these days.

  2. Christine Blower wants us to treat teachers like we had to treat English plumbers before the Poles showed up ie reward them for pitching with a mug of tea and then make gentle encouraging noises in the hope they would tackle and complete the job in hand! Nostalgic! (Not)

  3. Christine Blower (my, what an apt name!) knows so little about psychology; support and encouragement can easily be available, even in a “culture of fear”. Fear is good; it is fear that kept our ancestors alive; it is fear that drives us to ever greater progress. It is lack of fear that now destroying society, as an ever-growing number know that “The State” will see them through any tribulations that they can think up for themselves.

    Radical Rodent

  4. From RR; Fear is good;

    Agreed, but nowdays, they "fear" their own shadow.

    NOT the same "Fear" that saved our ancestors from kicking sabre tooth tigers in the bollox for a bit of a laugh.

  5. "Sounds like he wants teachers to be treated in the same wishy washy, namby pamby, wet toast way they treat kids these days."

    How else to keep the state dependency wagon rolling?

    "Fear is good; it is fear that kept our ancestors alive..."

    Christine is a fully paid up member of the All Must Have Prizes gang...
