Wednesday 5 February 2014

Oh, Go On, Sue, Take A Wild Guess!

Sue Penny, who set up Penny Ha’Penny Horse and Pony Rescue in Malvern, says she makes regular visits to check on them.
“I have been going down regularly to see them,” she said.
“The problem is escalating. They are being looked after and moved around.
But I don’t understand how it’s being allowed to continue. We’re getting a lot of calls about them.”
Don’t you, Sue? Don’t you really..?
Worcester City Council says it has served a notice at Newark Green for the removal of an abandoned horse.
“The notice requires that the horse be removed within two weeks,” said a city council spokesperson. “If it is not removed we can seize it and sell it at auction.
“The horse was removed from Newark Green within a day of the notice being served...
...but was then taken to Chepstow Avenue, where there are also two other horses.
Thus starting the red tape ball rolling again, no doubt?
“We are now talking to colleagues at Worcestershire County Council and the police to consider our next steps.”
West Mercia Police said it was working with the city council and Worcestershire County Council to find a permanent solution to the issue.
I'm all in favour of a final… err, I mean, permanent solution.


  1. Sell it at auction ha ha. Have they been to a horse auction recently? It will cost more in transport,passporting, microchipping, livery, fees and commission than it will make. Ever since we stopped inadvertantly eating them, 20% of the horses in the country are worth nothing, thats why they are being abandoned.

  2. Maybe thats what the current owner is hoping for. Get it impounded, fed, vet inspected & treated, microchipped etc, then buy it back at auction for £1. And given the usual attitude of the council to spending taxpayers money I'd wager its a fairly likely outcome.

  3. XX find a permanent solution XX

    Aye GLUE it is called.

  4. I presume they DID mean FINAL solution?

  5. " It will cost more in transport,passporting, microchipping, livery, fees and commission than it will make."

    And then there's the danger the original owner will just buy it back, as Jim points out...

    "Aye GLUE it is called."

    The owner, or the beast?
