Sunday 2 February 2014

*Paging Darwin Award Selectors*

Patrick Adu-Yeboah told the court that the rapper had been drinking brandy and smoking cannabis for much of the night.
'I watched a video with him, a homemade video of him at Carnival, doing music and interviewing people.
'I smoked cannabis then fell asleep. When I woke up he hit the wall, swinging three times at the wall, throwing punches at thin air.
'He lost balance and then went straight out the window'.


  1. Here's another wtf moment:

    It is the details of the story which lift this one out of the ordinary. I don't know why it came to trial - I just can't see the point as it is obvious mental health territory.

  2. It couldn't happen to a better person. Maybe a few more of them should try it from the top of a 10 story car-park.

  3. What a shame, Patrick the rapper did a lot of work for the edlerly and disabled in Notting hill.


  4. I really hate niggers. Serves the fucker right.

  5. Another professional footballer / architect gone. RIP Bruddah!

  6. The neighborhood just became a little less vibrant.


  7. The curious thing about reading the comments in the linked press reports from the 'eyewitness' is, they all seem so nonchalant about what has happened to one of their friends/relatives. Its almost is if it an 'everyday' thing, which, in truth, it probably is.

    They seem to be totally oblivious that taking illegal drugs is against the law.

    And please don't tell me that they held a candle vigil or put flowers on the spot where he met his end. He clearly was not worth trying to save in live, so why eulogies him in death.

  8. I guess you could never accuse him of being unable to punch his way out of a paper bag, then?

  9. In recent years so many 'aspiring' rappers have been cruelly taken it's surprising any achieve 'fully-fledged rapper' status. Does this make Mr Adu-Yeboah's demise any more or less tragic, I wonder?

    I'm suddenly reminded of my homeboy Rhett Butler spitting his most famous lyrics.

  10. "I don't know why it came to trial - I just can't see the point as it is obvious mental health territory."

    Maybe the RSPCA pressed for it?

    "Another professional footballer / architect gone."


    "The curious thing about reading the comments in the linked press reports from the 'eyewitness' is, they all seem so nonchalant.. "

    Kids, don't do drugs, m'kay?

  11. "I guess you could never accuse him of being unable to punch his way out of a paper bag, then?"

    A great loss to the world of pugilism..

    "I'm suddenly reminded of my homeboy Rhett Butler spitting his most famous lyrics."

