Wednesday 5 February 2014

“Why Won’t The Authorities Be A Parent To My Child!”

The dad of a murdered 14-year-old schoolboy in Lee has slammed “failings” in the Met, social services and at his son’s school during a two-month hunt for the missing teenager.
Right, OK. Were they the only ones?
The Crown Wood College pupil, who lived with his mother Clemence Mudage in South Norwood, and commuted to Eltham, had been missing for two months before the attack.
Kevin’s father Sewa Ssali, who says failings emerged during the trial, said: “There were a lot of failings and we would like to bring that to light to avoid anything like that happening.
“There were a lot of mistakes made, by the police, by the social services, by the school.”
But not by the lad’s parents, I presume? Perish the thought!
The 55-year-old, who temporarily lives in Lee High Road, claims his son turned up at school shortly after he went missing but his family were not told and he was allowed to leave again.
He said: "They just let him walk out of the school. Nobody knew where he had been staying for that week. What kind of responsibility was that?"
Well, it’s not like they can stop him, is it? And maybe they weren’t even aware he was missing…
Family friend Clive Knight says his family told Greenwich Council the missing boy was staying in Barnfield Gardens, Plumstead, but claims nothing was done. The 60-year-old said: “My niece told somebody at Greenwich social services exactly where he was and then a week later the poor boy was dead.
“Nobody did anything until it was too late.”
I’m confused – if the family knew where he was staying, in what sense was he ‘missing’? And how can you forgive the killer, and blame everyone else?


  1. The Blocked Dwarf5 February 2014 at 14:11

    Whilst the "parents" (and I use the term loosely) no doubt need to take a long hard look in the mirror I should mention that I experienced similar difficulties a few years back with my 3, then, teenage boys. On more than one occasion I only found out through friends on the force what my 16 year old had been getting upto. I had jumped-up wannabe-nurses trying to tell me on the phone that they were not required to give me information about my 17 year old cos their POLICY was to treat 16+'s like adults.

    "You let an obviously vulnerable,ill and mixed up 17 year old discharge themselves,leave the ward, accept a lift home from a total-and if I may judge from your description a very 'strange'- stranger. A stranger whose identity you didn't feel you needed to inquire and a stranger who had no business being in the hospital let alone on the ward. And you are telling me that your 'policy' is not to at least *inform* the parents?!"

    Which is what -in the polite translation- I said to the UberHead Of Nursing on the phone the next morning.

  2. What a horrible country this is.Do you think the family need a lift to the airport?

  3. My thoughts exactly Jaded. I'm still watching 'Tough Young Teachers' on BBC3 and Crown Woods 'Acadamy' features - still a shithole. 30 years ago white trash, now some classrooms resemble a teacher vainly trying to teach something during Chimps Tea time. We import failure and all that goes with it.
    A bonkers country indeed - doubt my council tax will go up again this year and my income tax personal allowances tinkered with again.

    All tohether now (in an African accent0 MAYBEE it's -ah because-ah AHM a Lundunner.............

  4. One dead, one inside.


  5. Plod radiator commenters must be grateful for opportunities in a bonkers Country. Julia's duo would be merrily exploiting handsome rewards for road rage attacks on pensioner's vehicles were it not for their physical limitations.

    All tohether now (in a plod accent0 OH OH ho ho ho ho ho ho. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho. Ha ha ha ha ha ha..............

  6. The Blocked Dwarf6 February 2014 at 01:11


    I speak two languages fluently,can get myself laid and order coffee in a couple more. I studied biblical Hebrew and Koiné.

    BUT I DON'T HAVE A FUCKING CLUE WHAT YOU WERE TRYING TO SAY! Could we have it again...for the English speakers among us?

  7. @ The all new 'bilingual' Blocked Dwarf...

    Try stretching yourself, Dopey.

  8. Wow Melvin it must be like Christmas Day in Nutterville.An excellent anti-police story in the Daily Mail and a spelling mistake in a post that you suspect may have been written by a PC.Also you managed to squeeze in the word radiator.Well done.

  9. @ MTG. You really are a sad, almost unintelligible, definitely ill, person. Fixed that lawnmower yet?

  10. "And how can you forgive the killer, and blame everyone else?"

    Simple. He knows he cannot get compensation from the murderer, so its better to draw a line under that.

    As for the Authorities, well to ensure their positions at the trough of the public purse (taxpayer) they will use the same to buy him off. They know it will work and that is what he wants. And he knows they will pay because that 's how the system works.

  11. " the polite translation.."

    I can well believe it! 'Duty of care' is regarded somewhat loosely in State institutions.

    "We import failure and all that goes with it."

    We import failure and get nice, new, shiny diverse failure...

    "Simple. He knows he cannot get compensation from the murderer..."

    Sadly, I fear you are right...
