Tuesday 18 March 2014

A Police Force Designed By Progressives..?

Owen Jones gets on his high horse over the Met’s ‘scandals’:
If hacking someone's voicemail is a gross invasion of privacy, what words are left to describe agents of the state with fake identities having sex with women they're spying on?
‘The novels of Ian Fleming’, Owen. You’re welcome.
But police spies stealing the identities of dead children and duplicitously sharing the homes, beds and lives of women is only the latest in a string of damning scandals about the Metropolitan police…
And of course, little Owen immediately starts to do what progressives always accuse their opponents of doing – condemning an entire sector of society based on the actions of a small minority. It’s different, you see, when Owen or his chums want to do it…
Each scandal is examined in isolation, treated as the action of rogue officers. But together they suggest an institutionally rotten system. Londoners need a force devoted to protecting their security, which treats all sections of the community equally, and which enjoys the consent and trust of everyone. Currently they do not have one, and so it must be built on new foundations.
Hmmm, let’s see if that works for any other groups, shall we?

“Each scandal is examined in isolation, treated as the action of rogue civil servants/social workers/doctors/broadcasters. But together they suggest an institutionally rotten system. Londoners need a department/hospital system/tv station devoted to serving them, which treats all sections of the community equally, and which enjoys the consent and trust of everyone. Currently they do not have one, and so it must be built on new foundations.”

Nope, I can already see the Left getting out of their tree about such comparisons. In fact, they already have done.
What would a new police force look like? That should be left to a royal commission – headed by an independent figure, not an establishment patsy – which calls evidence from all sections of the community. Structures, training, forms of accountability: all need to be designed from scratch. It needs to be a body stripped of prejudice and bigotry, that defends hard-won democratic freedoms, as well as protecting people's security.
So…what would a police force designed by the Left according to these rules look like? Discuss.


  1. Nice one Julia,light blue touchpaper and retire to a safe distance. Huddersfield perhaps?

  2. The Stasi.

  3. I doubt you'd see a white face in it as 'ol whitey' is racist to the core innit...

  4. A police force designed by progressive would look like the one we have. The senior officers already match 100% what the progressives want. Just a handful of retirements to go and they've won. Just reread Inspector Gadget

  5. Owen asks "what words are left to describe agents of the state with fake identities having sex with women they're spying on?"

    I would equally ask what words are left to describe women having sex with with a male whom they didn't know possessed a warrant card?

  6. Our political police network is well established, Julia. Content to swim submerged, it leaves only a broad swell on the swamp surface.

    If it chose to cavort brazenly in public, it might exhibit a semblance of good taste by appearing naked. Nobody should fuss over a celebrity whore's temporary garments at a bacchanalian orgy.

  7. What 'Anon' @ 12:50 said. Don't believe them?

    Try this :

    A police force has been criticised for sending an officer dressed in a fluffy taxpayer-funded wolf costume to try and break into homes as part of a security campaign.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2583433/Whos-afraid-Badsey-police-wolf-Officer-dressed-fluffy-taxpayer-funded-animal-costume-sent-try-break-homes-pathetic-home-security-campaign.html

  8. Bunny

    Isn't Mr Jones a member of the establishment? Doesn't work, pontificates on other peoples' morals, just like a member of the Church of England in the Victorian era, the only difference is that he is open about his sexual aberrations.

  9. Ancient + Tattered Airman18 March 2014 at 22:21

    he is open about his sexual aberrations.

    I assume this means he is homosexual?

  10. MTG said

    Wibble wibble wibble

  11. "what words are left to describe agents of the state with fake identities having sex with women they're spying on?"

    Clever dicks

  12. "I doubt you'd see a white face in it as 'ol whitey' is racist to the core innit..."

    A police force made up of people like Ali Disai - what could go wrong..? ;)

    "A police force designed by progressive would look like the one we have."

    Maybe, though I don't think we can entirely write it off just yet.
