Tuesday 18 March 2014

Oh, You’ll Regret Asking This Question…

Ms Hopwood said: “Why should my son’s uncle share with him in a room when he’s at a point in his life when he’s doing GCSEs?
“I wouldn’t expect to share a room with my auntie, yet I’m being told that I have to pay £15 extra a week.
“I struggle to pay catch up with rent at the minute anyway and I don’t think that is right when they ask me to pay for a bedroom that isn’t spare.”
I’ll tell you why, Ms Hopwood – because the taxpayer has had enough of paying for the lifestyle choices of the benefit class to have better and larger homes than they are currently working all the hours god sends to pay for.

And if you are having problems paying the rent now, WHY ARE YOU BREEDING!?!
Ms Hopwood’s situation is set to change later this year because she is pregnant.
*hurls PC across room*


  1. Enforced contraception eg implants in exchange for benefits, accommodation in hostels. Should encourage all but the most useless to try a littler harder to look after themselves.

  2. Some of the new public housing is very fancy indeed and free for most of the tenants. Look up Proton House in Blackwall. Nice.

  3. XX Some of the new public housing is very fancy indeed and free for most of the tenants. Look up Proton House in Blackwall. Nice.XX

    They ALL look "nice" until they let the scum in.

    Oak and Eldon Gardens?


  4. Working age brother living in the house. Isn't he paying his share of the rent out of his wages?

    OK, silly question.

  5. "Enforced contraception eg implants in exchange for benefits, accommodation in hostels."

    It would be decried as 'eugenics' by the usual suspects...

    "Look up Proton House in Blackwall. Nice."

    Indeed. Though, on the other hand...it's in Blackwall!

    "OK, silly question."

