Thursday 6 March 2014

Driving While Islamic…

A campaign to tackle racing and irresponsible driving on Bolton’s roads is being launched after a number of crashes which left people dead or seriously injured.
Good, good, very important…
The fire service, police, Bolton Council and Bolton Council of Mosques have teamed up to run the pilot, believed to be the first of its kind, in the run up to summer.
Wait. What? The Council of... what?
Events will be held at five mosques from today, to raise awareness of the dangers of racing and anti-social driving, by BCoM representatives, police officers and firefighters.
Bolton borough fire service manager Ian Bailey said: “We have identified that some young Asian males tend to use some of their disposable income on buying a nice car and we are just trying to make them aware of what the consequences can be if they drive these vehicles in an irresponsible manner.
“I would like to take this opportunity to thank the mosques for allowing us to use them as a focal point for what we think is a really important safety message.”

This is definitely one for Fahrenheit!


  1. "Some of their disposable income" ... hmm, aren't they all supposed to be oppressed and living in grinding poverty?

  2. The new Monaco, sorry Mecca, for street racing does not appear to be short of cash, Andrew.

    There's the usual boy racer stuff of course, but plenty of R8's and 997's adorned by the most lavish of paint jobs. I just wonder how these kids have anything left over to afford those hefty insurance premiums...oh, wait...

  3. Lynne at Counting Cats6 March 2014 at 17:09

    And if this scheme works will they extend it to cover the drug dealers and paedo gangs?

  4. Totally off topic :- Lynne, what's wrong with your blog?
    "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at"

  5. Bolton Council of Mosques?

    [Passes palm over forehead and shakes said head]

  6. Yup have commented over at my place and have also drawn comparison to how police treat street racers in the mostly non-muslim area of south Essex.

  7. Lynne at Counting Cats7 March 2014 at 12:06


    Out of my hands, I'm afraid. Cats is on a cruise which means if the site goes down there isn't anyone's hand on the tiller to steer it clear of cyber oblivion.

    To be honest this is becoming rather exasperating.

  8. XX Events will be held at five mosques from today, to raise awareness of the dangers of racing and anti-social driving, XX

    How race-ist!

  9. "...hmm, aren't they all supposed to be oppressed and living in grinding poverty?"

    One of life's little mysteries. Such as why we have food banks AND an 'obesity crisis'...

    " how police treat street racers in the mostly non-muslim area of south Essex."

    It is a pretty glaring discrepancy...

    "How race-ist!"

