Monday 10 March 2014

That Telling Little Description…

Danny Ellis, 25, was stabbed in the neck, arms, legs and stomach in a cab outside his home in Town Lane, Southport. He is thought to have suffered a serious cut to one ear. The ‘Echo’ understands Mr Ellis climbed into the back of the taxi when it pulled up outside his home. He suffered multiple stab wounds and was then found by his brother in the street after the cab sped off.
A strange story. Do we have any clues to why such an attack might be made?
Mr Ellis, a well known figure in the town
Ah. That’ll do.


  1. XX was stabbed in the neck, arms, legs and stomach in a cab outside his home in Town Lane, Southport....XX

    Four potentialy fatal wounds, but the "newspaper" thought it was urgent to mention his ear piercing?
