Friday 14 March 2014

Whoever Wins, We Lose – Again!

‘We’ not including lawyers, of course. They make out like bandits no matter what...
The Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales believes the UK is in breach of its international law obligations to protect young women and girls from mutilation.
Kirsty Brimelow QC, the committee’s chairwoman, said: “During the period of the UK’s breach, thousands of British girls and young women have been unnecessarily exposed to the risk of mutilation and have suffered irreparable physical and emotional damage. Many could — and should — have been saved.”
And where there's possible dereliction from the State, there's a claim!
Former Liberal Democrat leader Sir Menzies Campbell QC said: “This authoritative report raises fundamental questions about the government discharging its international obligations.
“It may well be that victims would be entitled to sue the government.”
Stephanie Harrison QC, from Garden Court Chambers, told The Standard: “There is obviously precedent for the State being sued where it has failed in its duty of care.”
But 'the government' doesn't have any money...


  1. Yes, we all want this vile practice to stop, but can you imagine the howls from the usual suspects if something starts to be done about it? Police investigating African families taking their daughters back to the home country and what happens to them there? Genital examinations for girls of specific ethnic backgrounds in schools or by GPs?

  2. Doesn't matter that the State has no money, really - if the State has failed any woman who has suffered FGM whilst in this country (which is, it appears, an assault), then the State MUST have failed anyone who has been the victim of a crime, and thus, following this logic displayed in the article, that renders the State open to action from any and all victims. Bonkers! And as for Ming Campbell - words fail!

  3. If victims sue anybody it should be their own parents.

  4. They are not BRITISH girls, why should we give a dam how the muslims treat their own women ?

  5. What xplod says. Lawyers eh? Do we really need so many of the fuckers.

  6. Bunny

    FGM is a crime, there is the criminal injuries compensation board, it exists already. Now if the families of the child involved knowingly (which is something I suspect) allowed their child to be mutilated then they should be punished to the extent of the law. If the parents are British Citizens (note not British just British Citizens) then it does not matter where the crime took place, just that it took place, then they can be prosecuted.

    The opportunity already exists and the ability to punish the scum that do this already exists. So why not use it and stop making press releases about it.

  7. "If the parents are British Citizens (note not British just British Citizens) then it does not matter where the crime took place, just that it took place, then they can be prosecuted. "

    Citizenship revoked, deported, or shot.

    Can you tell I'm a Liberal?

  8. Ah, the same old story - Third World savages do unspeakable things to each other but us Europeans are to blame - unless it's those eeeevil Jews, of course.

  9. "...but can you imagine the howls from the usual suspects if something starts to be done about it? "

    I don't need to, it's already getting up a head of steam!

    "...and thus, following this logic displayed in the article, that renders the State open to action from any and all victims."

    If only!

    "FGM is a crime, there is the criminal injuries compensation board, it exists already."

    Good point!

    "Ah, the same old story - Third World savages do unspeakable things to each other but us Europeans are to blame..."

    See also slavery, persecution of gays, etc, etc...

  10. But nothing about circumcising boys?
