Monday 28 April 2014

Going To Give The Money Back Now, Mr & Mrs Perry?

The parents of a 10-year-old boy who died after being hit by a car in Oxfordshire, have called for changes to the road layout.
Freddie Perry was killed as he crossed the road outside his house in Oxford Crescent, Didcot, on his way to play with friends.
Lea and Judith Perry want a 20mph speed limit and restricted parking on the residential street.
So touched were the locals that they clubbed together to support the bereaved parents and raise funds.

And now?

Well, we learn that the car that hit him likely was travelling at 20mph and the cause of the accident was him running out from between parked cars while engrossed in a phone call. At the age of ten!

If I’d donated or supported their cause, I’d be feeling more than a little aggrieved right now.


  1. Oh! Oh! Oh! Will nobody think of the chiiiildreeeeeen?

  2. Sad for the parents of course, but salutory: all the Righteous urging of 20mph limits states they prevent the majority of road deaths. Especially with a Nissan Micra - a car so light it would have trouble denting itself on a brick wall at 20mph.
    Perhaps a primary school pupil using a mobile phone, rather than the carefully-driven car, was the real problem?

  3. Twenty_Rothmans29 April 2014 at 06:16

    They could use it for Bluetooth headsets for their other sprogs.

    The best way of dealing with these bedwetters is to agree - why, the limit must be 5mph, and all children should be forced to wear high-vis jackets when outdoors.

    If you are told that this is preposterous, do as they do, and accuse them of being Nazi child murderers, knee-deep in the blood of innocents.

  4. The Perry's, by failing to educate their late son in road crossing, reduced their contribution to the gene pool. Not the taxpayers fault.

  5. Claim a refund, and demand he dies better next time, or you will refuse to buy tickets for the show.

  6. "... all the Righteous urging of 20mph limits states they prevent the majority of road deaths. "

    And this case won't slow them down one bit.

  7. This post is disgusting!

    Yes the press say that Freddie was on his mobile phone, and yes the car was apparently travelling at 20mph but this does not mean that the street should not raise funds to change the speed limit and improve residential parking!

    Freddies death highlighted the dangers on this road, drivers speed down Oxford Crescent and the parking makes visability for children crossing the road a high risk!

    Why don't you narrow minded trolls think of somthing else to moan about!

  8. XX Anonymous said...

    This post is disgusting!

    Yes the press say that Freddie was on his mobile phone, and yes the car was apparently travelling at 20mph but this does not mean that the street should not raise funds to change the speed limit and improve residential parking!XX

    Some bad news for you, arsehole. The last wee bastard I scraped up off the tarmac and sent home in a jam jar, the car was doing only 9 mile per hour. So are you cunts going to start campaigning for a FIVE mile per hour speed limit next?

  9. "Why don't you narrow minded trolls..."

    You know, anon, I think you need to stop using words you don't understand but have heard in the media.

    The term 'troll' has a specific meaning, and it's not 'person who has just pointed out the uselessness of the "Something must be done!" crowd', actually.

  10. Actually I was using the word troll as in;

    Troll- an ugly cave-dwelling creature.

    Yes a child can still die at a speed of 20mph- the aim of the reduced speed is to hopefully stop the amount of cars that do speed down that road. Residents of Oxford crescent realise this is a dangerous road due to the reduced vision from the parked cars.

    An attempt to reduce speed and hopefully sort some kind of residential parking will make the road safer for all.

  11. So, anon, people are 'speeding' down the road (I.e. breaking the existing speed limit) so your solution is to give them another limit to .... not obey?

    Tell me, can you really not see the issue?

    But no, you're obviously of the 'Something must be done, this is something, so let's do it!' persuasion.

    Tell me, why is the 'something' you types ALWAYS want to see done something that affects everyone except the people happy to ignore it?

    Why can't you demand that better road safety is taught to children?
