Tuesday 29 April 2014

Why Politicians Should Resist The Urge To Have An Opinion On Everything...

Hilary Benn, Labour MP for Leeds Central, described the incident as ‘profoundly saddening’ but said he was not in favour of stringent security measures that would keep staff and pupils ‘behind high fences’.
She was stabbed by one of her pupils. In class. Just where does this cretin think we should put those fences...?

But then stupidly inane comments seem to be the order of the day:
Detective Superintendent Simon Beldon said: ‘We would like to reassure people that this has been an isolated incident and there is no ongoing risk to pupils or staff at the school.
The situation is under control and officers, including safer schools officers and members of the local neighbourhood policing team, are currently at the school and are liaising closely with staff.
When a pupil stabs a teacher repeatedly in front of his classmates, the situation is very, very far from being 'under control'.
The alleged killer comes from a respectable middle-class family. His mother works as a human resources manager for a local firm and his father is a council executive.
How the term 'respectable middle class family' has changed. Once, it meant 'child of married teachers/bank managers/vicars/career army'.

Now, it seems it means 'child of divorced policy wonks'.


  1. It is very sad, but I couldn't help but smile wryly at one of the tributes left: "You was the best teacher" (sic).

  2. As tragic as it was inevitable.

    An entire generation will be shocked by this news. Shock gives way to reflection on the secondary crime which impaled the Blytonian psyche.

  3. Consecutive wibbles, Jaded?

  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LNvXjb44-U

  5. Mmm Donnerwetter!
    Meinen verbindlichsten Dank, Führer. Fantastische Verknüpfung zum:- Suffolk 17SJ cylinder mower mit power rake conversion/scarifier, three way drive system and six preset cutting heights.

    Can't chat now, old sport. Dashing off to ebay.

  6. The alleged killer seems to be a nutter on the edge from what I've read. Similar to the school massacre killers in the US. A troubled loner addicted to a rather unpleasant video game. No friends. seen as 'weird' by the other kids.

  7. I'm not the phantom wibbler Melvin.Perhaps someone else on here finds you as annoying as I do?

  8. "His mother works as a human resources manager" = shit.

    "his father is a council executive." = doubleshit.

    "They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
    They may not mean to, but they do.
    They fill you with the faults they had
    And add some extra, just for you. "

  9. Since when did anyone expect any connection between Mr. Benn and reality?


  10. It really is a good time to cheer the readership with one of your overdue and blistering Art reviews, Julia.

  11. "...but I couldn't help but smile wryly at one of the tributes left: "You was the best teacher" (sic)."

    Indeed so!

    I was surprised at the demographic, mind you. It just goes to show, your initial first assumption isn't always correct.

    "The alleged killer seems to be a nutter on the edge from what I've read."

    There's a lot of similarities, to be sure.

    "Since when did anyone expect any connection between Mr. Benn and reality?"

    First 'Champion The Wonder Horse', now this!
