Friday 11 April 2014

John Harris Wakes Up And Smells The Coffee…

Let's face it: increasingly it feels as if the Tories will win the next election, possibly outright.
Heh! I bet there were some frosty glances his way at the ‘Guardian’ watercooler after this…
What underlines the sense that Tories are on an upswing is the fact that they, and the right more widely, have come up with a solid vision of the future, and may yet persuade a sufficient share of the public to buy in.
Meanwhile Labour’s vision of the future is…well, not 'the future' at all:
And the left? Another lesson of history is that Labour wins when it does a good impression of owning the future – witness 1945, 1964 and 1997. On a bad day, though, it can feel like many of the people at the top of the party want to return to some mushy, statist version of social democracy redolent of 1993.
Funny. He clearly can’t see that Cameron’s government isn’t really all that different.
What Marx and Engels would call the mode of production has long since changed. But have enough people on the left actually noticed?
Well, no. How many on the Left actually work, after all?

And a good half of them don’t seem to realise that Thatcher isn’t prime minister any more…


  1. Funny how so many of the commenters seem to think the answer is socialism. And the idea that socialists might meaningfully devolve powers to local communities isn’t going to happen, as they might end up doing the wrong thing. Diane Abbott nails it in suggesting that ordinary people neither want nor deserve any say in how – or whether – government services are delivered.

  2. If the answer is "Socialism", then it must have been a bloody stupid question.

  3. All the Tories have to do is point over the Channel to see how France has imploded after electing a socialist government.I read that so many French people have moved to London it would be the 5th biggest city in France if they were counted.Rich ones more than welcome...

  4. He is probably wishfully thinking aloud that UKIP do not make gains..

  5. The fact that this idiot actually thinks that these people matter is truly worrying.

    And, as already been said, the fact that they are somehow 'different', shows he really has not been paying attention to what has been going on.

    The only good I can say is, that at least I did not contribute to his wages.

  6. XX I read that so many French people have moved to London it would be the 5th biggest city in France if they were counted.XX

    SEE! Napoleon DID win after all!

  7. Relax, we have the (P)Russians on our side...

  8. Last count I saw, yesterday, most of the Prussians are on the side of Putin. :-) (Me included.)

  9. Putin vs van Rompuy - no contest ;-)

  10. "Funny how so many of the commenters seem to think the answer is socialism."

    I'm with Ted Treen there..!

    "All the Tories have to do is point over the Channel to see how France has imploded after electing a socialist government."

    Indeed so. What's the French equivalent of popcorn? ;)

    "Last count I saw, yesterday, most of the Prussians are on the side of Putin. :-)"

