Wednesday 9 April 2014

Tune Time: "Then came the circus so I followed its parade, with all the fancy lion-tamers, high-wire fiery flamers..."

No doubt about this month's choice, it's quite the most dramatic song I think I've ever heard on Radio Two (and one of the longest) - it is, of course, Grace Slick's 'Dreams':


Utterly amazing vocal performance.


  1. DavefromTacoma9 April 2014 at 14:43

    A band I'd never heard of before (Future Islands) just killing it on the Letterman show:

  2. Good. Now on my "favourite" list.

    Thanks Julia.

  3. Hear the full album. I bought it in 1981. A classic.

  4. "Grace Slag" as she was known back in the day.

    Great orchestration, it drowned out her "voice" though...maybe that was deliberate.

    Let Hannah Reid from London Grammar have a crack at it.

  5. "A band I'd never heard of before (Future Islands) just killing it on the Letterman show"

    I shall keep an eye out for them!

    "Let Hannah Reid from London Grammar have a crack at it."

    Probably will, in the next reality talent show!
