Thursday 10 April 2014

You Are Wasting Your Time, Ladies…

…and I really hope you aren’t getting a council grant to do it:
An eco-friendly cleaning company is to host a free clinic to teach parents how to keep their homes spotless without using harmful products.
Wasn’t that something you once learned from your mother? Ah, happy days!
Hannah Jackson Matombe, founder of Spotless Organic, in Sunnyside Road, Crouch End, will host the workshop on Wednesday, March 25.
The clinic will discuss the importance of eliminating toxic chemicals and cleaning products from the home to keep the family healthy.
It aims to address the recent news that child hospital related admissions in the UK have risen by 15 per cent over the past year.
The sort of families that these admissions come from don’t worry about toxic chemicals unless they are able to snort, smoke or inject them!


  1. From the company's 'special offer' section:

    - Beautiful Kath Kidston Sachets and Total Wardrobe Care Scented Drawer Liners, and a folding plate for cashmere on all services over £700.

    And they're going to do a free clinic in Haringey...

    Our local department store had to stop giving away free perfume and cosmetic samples because staff were being threatened if they didn't hand over the lot; if a rumour goes round that this session might have marketable freebies, there'll be a massacre.

    Will you bring the popcorn or shall I?

  2. It aims to address the recent news that child hospital related admissions in the UK have risen by 15 per cent over the past year.

    ...and this has just what, exactly, to do with organic cleaning products? Unless they have some conclusive causal link rather than guesswork.

    This is the worst sort of churnalism on behalf of a bunch of tree-hugging rent-seekers, so familiar from the pages of David Thompson's blog.

    BTW I hate to point it out but the head honcho could do with cutting down on the organic granola tray bakes.

  3. Somebody had better explain to them that you will be sick if you drink even Methode toilet cleaner.

  4. You know that by "toxic chemicals" they mean chlorine bleach, sodium laureth sulphate and anything else actually useful for keeping things clean.

    I want my cleaning chemicals to be toxic - I want them to kill yeasts, amoeba and bacteria. I would like them to degrade viruses.

  5. It's my experience that every time a product is "improved" or "reformulated" it becomes less effective than its predecessor. There's a reason for using nasty chemicals...

  6. Twenty_Rothmans11 April 2014 at 05:31

    "Anyone who uses the word workshop outside the context of light engineering is a twat" - Alexei Sayle

  7. XX Wasn’t that something you once learned from your mother? XX

    They are commy green bastards, their Mothers probably ran off before they were born.

  8. "Will you bring the popcorn or shall I?"

    A riot? Over free samples?!


    "...and this has just what, exactly, to do with organic cleaning products?"

    All, and sod. Rearrange to suit.. ;)

    "I want my cleaning chemicals to be toxic - I want them to kill yeasts, amoeba and bacteria. I would like them to degrade viruses."

