Monday 21 April 2014

Yes, It Is Indeed An ‘All Too Typical Story’…

A pregnant drug dealer has been jailed after she left her one-year-old son alone at her Worcester flat while she went out to sell drugs.
The court heard she had previous convictions for drug offences and dishonesty and was in breach of a community order with a drug treatment requirement.
*sighs again*
Barry Newton, defending, said Niblett was 30 weeks pregnant and she had pledged to be clean of drugs by the time her baby was born.
“Hers is an all too typical story of a long standing heroin problem and acquisitive theft to support it,” he told the court. Niblett had been remanded in custody since the offence and being in prison while pregnant had a “devastating effect” on her, he said.
Mr Newton said she had been coerced into selling the drugs by a man who had made threats towards her.
Ah, yeah, of course. There’s always a man to blame, eh? Luckily our justice system won’t hear of any such attempt to pass the bl…

Recorder Satinder Hunjan, said Niblett had left the child at home in an “appalling and neglected condition”.
She had a long criminal record but he accepted she had been coerced into selling drugs.

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