Thursday 29 May 2014

A Short Note...

You may have noticed it's a little quiet around here lately - well, there's a reason for that. M My broadband's playing up. At the moment, I'm relying on a 4G phone connection which limits me to emergency stuff only, so posts will be very light and replies to comments left non-existant until I can sort out with my ISP whethere it's them, or my router...


  1. You mean you've dropped form 274 a day to 235 a day? :)

  2. If you are on ADSL then you can test the line by the simple expediency of borrowing another modem/router, plugging it in and seeing if that fixes things. If it doesn't it is the line and then you could be in for a long wait. If it is the modem/router just buy one and you are up and running - most ISP supplied modem/routers are very cheap and nasty and cause more trouble than they are worth.

  3. It does indeed seem to be connected to the telephone line, so I rather suspect a visit from BT is required.

    When the ADSL drops out, I seem to be be to get it back again (for a while) by ringing the upstairs extension, picking it up & then hanging up... :/
