Thursday 22 May 2014

It’s Decision Time…

So, polling day is finally here.

Has the MSM onslaught against the ‘threat’ posed by UKIP made any difference? Even the progressives have to admit that it hasn’t, and may even harm their cause:

Are you going to vote yourself more free ‘stuff’?

Or are you going to indulge in a bit of Equine Terrorism?

I know what I’m going to do…


  1. Ha!

    Even the BBC are preparing for the worst from the elections today (i.e. Labour losing not winning)....

    On the news this morning they are saying that because the Euro elections use PR, a party with only a small number of votes could win! lol:

    I can't imagine that being their line if Labour were ahead in the polls....

  2. This is possibly the first time in my life I have voted for something, as opposed to voting to prevent the second worst candidate winning.

  3. Thanks for the link Julia.

  4. My guess is that if UKIP win tonight then you'll start to see cabinet ministers trying to create an aura around themselves ready for what happens after the fall of iDave next year.

  5. "I can't imagine that being their line if Labour were ahead in the polls...."

    No indeed!

    "My guess is that if UKIP win tonight then you'll start to see cabinet ministers trying to create an aura around themselves ready for what happens after the fall of iDave next year."

    So far, it's just been the Labour mob bayoneting the wounded (Miliband) but I bet Tory HQ is also a fraught place this weekend...
