Monday 12 May 2014

Questions CiF Is Happy To Let You Ask...

I wonder when we'll see a similar column from Freddie Starr..?


  1. The Guardians support for anti-British, anti-western terrorists is well known. Most amusing is when they sneer but can't deny every accusation. Still, along with the Independent, the worst selling national newspaper, but STILL listened to and influential. WHY ? All it does is prove UKIP right about mp's NOT representing those voting for them

  2. Robert the Biker12 May 2014 at 14:09

    Murderous piece of paddy shit!
    They should have done a black op on this piece of crap 40 years ago.

  3. "Questions CiF Is Happy To Let You Ask..."

    ...but not comment upon.

    Comments have been closed to the unwashed throughout as far as I'm aware.
    Careful, we might give the wrong answer.

  4. RtB: Not all 'paddies' are SHIT mate. There's plenty that would agree with your solution to this murderous piece of shit and the other murdering fuckpig McG - paddies or otherwise.

  5. Robert the Biker13 May 2014 at 08:19

    Did not say that ALL paddies are shit, I have a few friends from the Emerald Isle would gladly scrag these fuckers too. I'm amazes that it has taken so long to even attempt to do this bastard though, considering you can now get banged up for tweeting 'allah is a twat', but murdering a mother for saying 'let's stop killing one another' is ok.

  6. RtB, glad to hear it and I agree completely!

  7. "... but STILL listened to and influential. WHY ?"

    Because the long march through the institutions worked...

    "Comments have been closed to the unwashed throughout as far as I'm aware."

    I think they do that routinely after three or so days.
