Monday 12 May 2014

With Our Candles, Tealights And Signs, We Shall Liberate These Schoolgirls!

A silent vigil will be held this evening in Brighton in an effort to help raise awareness and to show solidarity for the 240 girls stolen from their school.
People are asked to turn out with candles, tealights and signs to show their support.
Crikey, sounds like the loons in Brighton want to get in on the action that 'Counting Cats...' was gobsmacked by last week...
The event is arranged by Free University Brighton.
'Free' as in, that's what it costs? Or 'free', as in, that's all it's worth?
Brighton Pavilion MP Caroline Lucas wore a red ribbon on Question Time to show her support.
Oh, stop! Please! You're killing me...


  1. Robert the Biker12 May 2014 at 12:05

    Posturing wankspots!
    No wonder the shit of islame laugh at us!
    You liberate them by wiping out the scum of boko harem, then they fear you and it doesn't happen again.

  2. Given that this whole deranged crock of shite is driving me to despair at the stupidity of the wider human race, I'll just leave it to the Daily Mash:

  3. Shock horror - Caroline "Look: Arse" wears a ribbon that's not green!

  4. 'Green', when describing anything associated with Ms Lucas, is truly ambiguous.

  5. Lancastrian Oik12 May 2014 at 14:16

    If you think the selfie/hashtag/Twitter campaign was bad, just have a look at this monumental pile of arse:-

    It's not a fake, and it's not satire, and a whole load of CiFers are twisting themselves into knots trying to explain to the delusional bellend why he's way wide of the mark with this one (I'm not one of them, by the way).

  6. The second para should have read:

    "It's not a fake, and it's not satire, and a whole load of CiFers are twisting themselves into knots trying to explain to the delusional bellend why he's way wide of the mark with this one whilst still being Lefty-nice (I'm not one of them, by the way)".

  7. I denounce these post-colonial reactionary eco-islamophobes.

  8. I'm sporting a skidmark, to show my lack of solidarity.

  9. It really is so sad and tedious. 'Our Girls' really?
    What should have been done ages ago is to turn that area into a fucking beach. But then, if there's a howl of outrage when a couple of squaddies take a pic (and unfortunately) are stoopid enough to FAcebook it) of a colleague giving the thumbs up over the carcass of a mozzie killer nutjob one can imagine what the tea light vigil holding saddoes would say?

  10. Tea light vigils. Red ribbon.


    It's the same with a lot of things nowadays. Coloured wristbands in support of X or Y.

    Empty gestures.

    Can you imagine on 3rd September 1939 if Chamberlain had said we are NOT going to declare war on Germany, but instead we are going to wear a red wristbands in support of Poland?

    How feeble have we become?


  11. "...I'll just leave it to the Daily Mash:"


    "It's not a fake, and it's not satire..."

    It's so hard to tell these days, isn't it?

    "It's the same with a lot of things nowadays. Coloured wristbands in support of X or Y.

    Empty gestures."

    "I care, but only when someone provides a trendy fashion item.."

  12. I hate this stuff because it's really all about improving the standing of the person making the gesture at almost no cost to them.

    It really makes you miss Thatcher. She'd have talked about what she was going to do, and then done it. And if that was "it's Nigeria's problem", she'd have said that and defended it.
