Monday 23 June 2014

And That's About As Likely As Him Paying Taxes...

A spokesman said: "We visited the site with the RSPCA the day after we were called about the horse.
"The animal was privately owned and on private land and the owner agreed to remove it. 
However, this did not happen so we stepped in and paid for the horse to be collected.
"The owner has agreed to reimburse the council."
Who thinks this'll happen?


  1. Not very nice for the brides going along the bridal path.

  2. Lynne at Counting Cats23 June 2014 at 10:56

    Drop the dead horse on his doorstep. He'll move heaven and earth to dispose of it once the hot weather and flies really get to work on the poor creature.

  3. DO NOT waste a dead horse!

    Cut it up, put it in the freezer and it will feed the family for months!

  4. That Mr O'Diddly gets everywhere doesn't he...

  5. "Not very nice for the brides going along the bridal path."

    That's an error I have seen so many times...

    "That Mr O'Diddly gets everywhere doesn't he..."

