Sunday 22 June 2014

It's A Mistake Anyone Could Make!

No further action will be taken against the man who was arrested on suspicion of impersonating a police officer for wearing a pig mask and toy bobby’s helmet.
Father-of-four Mr Peers was notified yesterday and his confiscated outfit was returned.
He said: "It was a surprise. I was quite looking forward to arguing it in court."
I bet you weren't the only one!


  1. I could understand it if it was a Probationer attempting his/her first arrest; but a Sergeant?????

    Why is it only 'the public' who can be prosecuted for 'wasting police time'?

  2. Sure looked like a pig to moi.

  3. “The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”

  4. Another plod idiot, pursuing arrest quotas and climbing the greasy pole with evidence that could never have stood up in court.

    Our brave citizen clearly weighs in excess of 120lbs. The porcine impersonation must therefore be of a hog and not either variety of pig.

  5. Well, the pig mask wearing idiot enjoyed himself and the 21st Century 12 year old police sergeant confirmed what many people now think of the police. Shame, as Pc 666 , like MTG, clearly hasn't got a life or too much time on his hands and probably once got told off for being a twat in a public place by a Pc.

    All very tedious.

  6. Lynne at Counting Cats23 June 2014 at 09:14

    The man seems to be a crustie sympathiser as well as a publicity whore. No sympathy from me.


  7. 'No sympathy from me.'
    He neither needs nor Counts on a Coward's sympathy, Lynne. A holed ship would sink in shark-infested waters if all its passengers were too afraid to go over the side and effect repairs.

  8. Lynne at Counting Cats23 June 2014 at 15:34

    He neither needs nor Counts on a Coward's sympathy, Lynne. A holed ship would sink in shark-infested waters if all its passengers were too afraid to go over the side and effect repairs.

    Just how would a passenger effect repairs if s/he isn't a marine engineer? Don't sailors patch up holes from inside the ship any more? Therefore I am at a loss to understand what point it is you are trying to make.

    As for the insult; sticks and stones, dear boy. Sticks and stones.

  9. Lynne, join the gang on not understanding what point Melvin is making.
    As for the police jibe again MTG.Do you really think police get promoted because of the arrests they make? You can't be that stupid but previous posts may prove that to be untrue. You get promoted in the police by doing the following in no particular order;
    Being PC,kissing minorities arses,tweeting nonsense good news stories,going to meetings with "partners",not rocking the boat.

    I'm sure you will correct me as you are the expert on policing on here.Please do so in Latin.

  10. @ Educatid Jaded

    Latin for a metaphor? The flexibility is just not their, dear. Greek?

  11. Robert the Biker25 June 2014 at 16:39

    Actually, you patch a ship or boat from the OUTSIDE if you are at sea.
    !. If you have been holed by something sharp, the hole on the inside tends to be rough and anything but flat, while outside the hull around the hole is still smooth
    2. The pressure of the water trying to get in holds your patch against the hull while you fix it in place.

    Not a Marine Engineer, but I used to have an ocean going ketch.

  12. Lynne at Counting Cats26 June 2014 at 10:15

    Robert the Biker,

    Thanks for the heads up but that wasn't really my point. Only a moron would accept passengers refusing to jump from a sinking ship into a shark infested sea to effect a hull breach to be an act of cowardice. Hollywood logic doesn't work in the real world not even if it's Bruce Willis jumping overboard.


  13. 'Moron' is the minimum standard for the conceptualisation of metaphors, Lynne. Sadly, the penny never drops for idiots.

  14. Lynne at Counting Cats26 June 2014 at 22:56

    'Moron' is the minimum standard for the conceptualisation of metaphors, Lynne. Sadly, the penny never drops for idiots.

    Moron isn't a metaphor, conceptual or otherwise, it's a noun. And in this case it is also an observation.

  15. "I could understand it if it was a Probationer attempting his/her first arrest; but a Sergeant?????"

    He's probably been promoted now... :0

    "The man seems to be a crustie sympathiser as well as a publicity whore. No sympathy from me."

    Oh, me either. It's another 'Can't they both lose?' incident.
