Thursday 5 June 2014

Could You Be A Little More Obsequious..?

Both police and Pendle MP Andrew Stephenson received a dozen complaints from residents after the sign appeared in a window at a house in Nelson. The handwritten advert posted in the window of a property in Railway Street read ‘For Rent, 3 Bedrooms, Just Pakistani Family’ with an attached mobile number. Police officers tracked down the landlord following complaints about the ‘distasteful’ sign and it was removed.
But oh, they clearly weren’t going to treat it as anything potentially serious, oh, dear me, no! It was all a complete misunderstanding, with the best of intentions.
Inspector Paul Goodall, of Pendle Police, said: “The landlord hasn’t committed any offences, and when we went round and asked him to take it down, he said ‘fair enough’ and took it down.
“We spoke to him and gave him some advice, and were satisfied it was not intended with any sort of malice.
“It was, in his opinion, to have some nice residents in the area. “But the reality of the situation is, it might be deemed to be distasteful or inappropriate, which it is my opinion.
“There was no criminal act committed, and we would have dealt with it seriously if there was.”
Hmmm. And if Nick Griffin had put a similar sign in his property, declaring ‘Just white English family’, would your response have been the same? Would you have gone out of your way to empathise and excuse and soothe things over?

Yeah. That’s what I thought.


  1. Thing that gets me is that they still don't get that it was racist and probably never will. Only white people can be racist as we well know. Also their definition of nice seems somewhat different to the norm...

  2. Note that the sign was in English, yet we waste countless millions printing leaflets in Urdu, which few of them speak as a first language ( despite what they claim) much less read.

  3. Following much publicised court actions against 'racist' or 'homophobic' B&B owners, a local hostelry displayed a sign reading, "We welcome everyone, especially Muslims and gays." The only complaints were from Muslims, who failed to see the humour, and gays, who felt the owners were patronising their life style. And they both claim to seek acceptance!

  4. "Nice residents"??????

  5. I got into a spat with my sister, a Doctor at Law and on a Thatcher era think tank on Criminology over this. Her thinking was that I was racist in pointing out that if the situation had been reversed what would have been the outcome?. Left wing academics live so far outside reality we should all be very concerned.

  6. New Ark-wright5 June 2014 at 20:44

    If they don't feel the need to pretend they're British, should we ?

  7. I'm embarrassed on behalf of this PC Inspector. He isn't though as he climbs the ladder trying not to rock the boat...

  8. If Nick Griffin was worth his salt, he, and his party, would immediately use this as case law.

    Ohhh, but for that, it must go to court.

    Wonder why it did not?

  9. "Also their definition of nice seems somewhat different to the norm..."


    "Note that the sign was in English, yet we waste countless millions printing leaflets in Urdu..."

    Yup... :/

    " And they both claim to seek acceptance!"

    Never look at what they CLAIM. Always look at what they DO...

  10. "I'm embarrassed on behalf of this PC Inspector. He isn't though as he climbs the ladder trying not to rock the boat..."

    Spot on!
