Thursday 5 June 2014

Telltale Signs...

Friends today paid tribute to Mr Hunter as “a popular, funny, smart guy who was always smiling.”
Elliot Haynes, 18, who went to school with the victim at St Matthew Academy in Blackheath, said: “We used to joke about with him. He was always someone you could talk to. He was very friendly and we’re all going to miss him.”
Stephan George, 18, added: “He was a popular guy. He started at my school in year 10 or 11 and everyone liked him straight away. He was never in trouble.”
Gosh, a real innocent victim?
Mr Hunter, whose nickname was Yardz...
Say no more.


  1. *sigh*
    With this attrition of our best and brightest, I fear the cure for cancer will never be found.

  2. Bit of a give away.

  3. I remember watching a C4 documentary about teenage victims of knife crime. One lad was being eulogised by his bereaved girlfriend - lovely polite guy, great friend, loved his Mum, would do anything for anyone etc

    His nickname was "Killa".

  4. "It is not yet known whether the weekend’s attack was gang related. "

    Get. To. Fuck.

    Sherlock Holmes must be shitting himself.

  5. Dem Black-heef akademeez innit! Nice, ya feel me aight? Annuda ded brudda, a fallen solja, RIP you is wiv dem uvver grate bros yeah yeah!

  6. It's always touching to read the Yobituary.

  7. xX “a popular, funny, smart guy who was always smiling.” XX

    Aha. So he was the village idiot then. Strange they forgot to mention the dribbling, and shopping trolly full of last years newspapers.

  8. "Sherlock Holmes must be shitting himself."


    "It's always touching to read the Yobituary."

    Awesome term!
