Friday 6 June 2014

And Why Did Your Son Have An Unregistered Gun, Mrs Duggan?

Pamela Duggan, who thanked Coroner Judge Keith Cutler for his report, said: "I hope that the police pay attention to this. Otherwise they are just going to keep on killing other people's children and that's not right. "
…if not to threaten or kill some other mother’s son..?


  1. My heart goes out to this poor lady and her family...............................naaaah, not really.

    How does she keep a straight face.

    Must be all those 158 page letters of support in green ink from MTG.

  2. Typical charver. No-one else has "rights" but them

  3. Family of scum really don't see the irony when their offspring get their come-uppance. They have closed their minds to their wrong-doings.
    This woman is probably hoping for a seat in the House of Lords if she keeps chipping away at the police.

  4. Even plod must understand that submissions in black ink arise during a period when supplies of green are at a premium.

    'And Why Did Your Son Have An Unregistered Gun, Mrs Duggan?'
    I am so glad you cleared that one up, Julia. You appear to be as certain of this 'fact' as the rest of us are sure that plod gathered in a room together for many hours for the purpose of compiling collusive statements, for no honest purpose.

    As Judge Cutler reported "A number of aspects of the way police wrote up their accounts caused me concern. This included omissions from initial accounts and delays in making statements abut what officers had witnessed."

    Judge Cutler compared the fact that armed officers are given 48 hours before making their statements to the way a civilian witness is treated, saying: "It is not immediately obvious why a trained firearms officer should require what a civilian is not given."
    I doubt it ever will be obvious.

    Naturally the standard plod loop "it the bestist akkurate hevidance it is" played relentlessly.

    In a brief but surprising excursion into sanity, the IPCC demanded police cease their demonic 'conferring'. Plod counter this with their claim that such a change would lead to injustices. Yup, they would say that, Julia.

  5. Apart from black powder there are NO legal handguns in the UK.

    I should know, I had to hand mine in.

    However, they forgot a basic tenet....

    "When you outlaw something, only the outlaws keep them"

  6. Melv,
    Not everyone sees everything. The difference is a defence brief will select quotes from different defence witnesses to paint an overall picture but when cross examining Police will challenge with, "You say that this happened. PC X has made no mention of this in his statement. I put it to you, officer, that your whole statement is a fabrication to cover the ineptitude and criminal negligence of not only yourself but everyone of your group involved in this sorry mess of a needless Police operation."
    No matter how much the CPS tries to elaborate on this, these are the phrases which stick in the jury's mind and which are repeated by the media. Shooting, and killing, someone is a hugely traumatic experience and a statement taken immediately afterwards may not give a clear image of actions taken and reasons why. Despite the best efforts of the Daily Mail, the Gruniad and the Biased Broadcasting Corporation the period before making a statement is not so that excerpts from the Lafybird book of shooting bloggers can be cut and pasted. I have known some fine officers who handed in their firearm tickets or even resigned after shooting someone fatally and not being able to either cope with the trauma or the hatred pointed to their families.

  7. Sorry Melv,
    It should have read "shooting blaggers" and not "bloggers". Autocorrect problem. You're safe for time being - at least from me. Can't speak for Jaded!

  8. I am loath to contemplate my personal safety hanging on the quality of your eyesight or Autocorrect, Penise.

    But I am happy to share common ground with your inference that Jaded is no lafy.

  9. Bunny

    Oh dear he's still dead though, what a pity how sad never mind

  10. Thank God Melvin is posting on here.How would we cope without his expert opinion on everything?
    He clearly witnessed the Duggan shooting but seems to have failed to come forward to give evidence.

  11. I followed the Duggan Inquest thinking of writing a book. It would have been short. £5 million wasted on lawyers.
    I thought the cops were lying, probably to protect what they thought the truth was. This wouldn't have prevented me voting as the rest of the jury.
    The real questions concern why cops get the 48 hour protection, did not have CCTV running from the command car, have an IPCC-led investigation in immediate operation and how at least a dozen highly trained cops didn't see or find the 'weapon' for over an hour. We didn't even get a reliable picture of Mark Duggan and were left with daft claims he was one of Europe's 48 most dangerous criminals whilst in possession of a converted starting pistol with one round of modified blank ammunition that hadn't even been cleaned of the evidence linking Foster to a previous crime.
    The focus on V63 seemed ludicrous - he was just doing his job and it is more important to me he fired with a colleague in line of fire, than that he killed Duggan.

    We need to change the post-incident procedures and the role of inquiries as beanfeasts for lawyers. The outcomes stink for everyone. Most of these cops couldn't even remember the colour of the car they chased and stopped.

  12. "Typical charver. No-one else has "rights" but them"

    The more they scream about their 'rights', the more people will start to wonder why they don't seem to have similar responsibilities...

    "This woman is probably hoping for a seat in the House of Lords if she keeps chipping away at the police."

    It worked for the sainted Doreen...

    "I am so glad you cleared that one up, Julia. You appear to be as certain of this 'fact' ..."

    It's not in doubt, is it? There's no 'Grassy knoll' in this case.

    You are, however, right on the leeway given in the matter of statements. That needs to stop.

    "Shooting, and killing, someone is a hugely traumatic experience..."

    No leeway is given to others who might have witnessed equally traumatic scenes. Why should cops be different? The jury will understand.

  13. "It should have read "shooting blaggers" and not "bloggers"."

    Whew! ;)

    "..that hadn't even been cleaned of the evidence linking Foster to a previous crime."

    These people are not the cunning criminal masterminds of the tv shows, are they?

    "... and it is more important to me he fired with a colleague in line of fire, than that he killed Duggan."

    Good point.
