Friday 6 June 2014

‘Father Of Three’..? Or Just Sperm Donor?

Tributes were today paid to a “doting father” who died during a high speed crash involving a nightbus that left his friend fighting for his life.
Ah, yes, tributes. Once meant for a noble endeavour, or a heroic sacrifice, now used when an idiot offs himself (nearly taking innocents with him).
Mr Moore’s friends, family and co-workers today paid tribute to a “cheery, bubbly man” who “lived for his kids.”
Not enough to actually get around to marrying their mother, you understand…
His partner Shondi Davis, who has three young daughters with Mr Moore, said: “I got the call at 5am, I was crying, I’m still in shock. No one believes this has happened to him. I spoke to him yesterday on the phone.

“He was a loving father who’ll never be forgotten. His daughters are the spitting image of him.

“He was a partier, he was always out enjoying himself, he was very loud.

“It was an accident as far as I know, I don’t know if he was racing.”
That’s some fierce powers of denial you got there…
Floral tributes, cards and bottles of Guinness have been left at the scene of the crash in Lea Bridge Road, Clapton, directly opposite the Lee Valley Ice Centre.
Of course! No scene of senseless waste is complete without the chavshrine, is it?


  1. It's very sad for those left behind.

    And it's a pity he didn't marry the mother of his three children, as they would now be in a much better financial position.

    But perhaps he couldn't afford to marry on only supermarket wages and with an Audi A4 to run?

  2. Please could you direct me to the public demonstration area for the 13 bus passengers were minding their own business when they were injured due to the behaviour of utter pillocks.

    It is good to know that at least we are not mourning any of them. My particular wishes - and fear - go to the driver of the bus whom the pictures show was put particularly at risk of being killed, maimed or psychologically scared such that he may never be able to return to that job.

  3. "He was very loud."
    The neighbours may have noticed the silver lining.

  4. Bunny

    Such a loving and doting father that he was out racing a car, rather than being in with his family.

  5. "Ed P said...
    It's very sad for those left behind.

    And it's a pity he didn't marry the mother of his three children, as they would now be in a much better financial position."

    So now we have to sub the brood.

  6. "But perhaps he couldn't afford to marry on only supermarket wages and with an Audi A4 to run?"


    "Please could you direct me to the public demonstration area for the 13 bus passengers were minding their own business when they were injured due to the behaviour of utter pillocks. "

    Ah, if only. :/

    "So now we have to sub the brood."

    Of course! It's what I go to work for... :/

  7. Know the spot well, if he had arrived a bit earlier he with a bit of luck could have ended up in the River Lea thereby avoiding the bus, shame.

  8. Twenty_Rothmans8 June 2014 at 00:04

    Shondi - a name that is guaranteed to get you into the papers.

    Delano is another good one. I am utterly convinced that Delano's mother knew that FDR's middle name was his mother's maiden name, as was quite common then.

    But if your parents weren't married, that is rather awkward.

    And the bad news is that the doting father passed his genes on through his DAN. Much like the owner of their genetic code, the nucleotides were dyslexic.
