Monday 9 June 2014

When That ‘Fresh Approach’ Looks Like The Same Tired Old Methods…

A fresh approach to obesity is needed after a decade of failure to tackle the epidemic, a report has concluded. Sweeping action is required to halt "an intergenerational cycle" that has led to more than half of Croydon adults being overweight and children growing up seeing obesity as normal, public health experts warned.
Oh, here we go…
Public Health Croydon, which became part of Croydon Council last year, called for the implementation an overarching strategy that would see obesity taken into account across council departments including planning, transport and education.
Oooh, there’s nothing they love more than an ‘overarching strategy’, is there?

So, what is this going to look like in practice (apart from a lot of taxpayer money down the drain)?
It (sic) recommendations include disadvantaged people's need for exercise being taken into account when considering planning applications …
Wha..? Does that mean putting in stairs only, no lifts?
… a school-building programme prioritising recreational space and attractive dining facilities
Why make them attractive, isn’t that encouraging them to eat more?
… and help with weight management for women before and after pregnancy.
So men need not worry, eh?


  1. XX It (sic) recommendations include disadvantaged people's need for exercise being taken into account when considering planning applications …XX

    All around central Scotlamd, whilst building the housing schemes, they put in these "keep fit" tracks, or a similar name.

    A piece of waste land, with a track, and at various points there were "exercise" possibilitys. Like chin up bars, or whateven, and a plaque telling you what you should be doing there.

    After the first day opening, complete with mayor, assembled psychophants, and other general arse lickers, the bloody things were never used again, except as doss holes for the local druggies, glue sniffers, and fly tippers.

    Then there was the masive "investment" in skate board parks. Again, NEVER used, except for the usual suspects.

    Do these bastards NEVER do any research as to previous attemps?

  2. They'll have a lot of air miles if they've genuinely established an intergenerational link in Croydon's population.

  3. If my local council wanted to start a weight loss programme, they would have to start with themselves.Lardarses, the lot of them.

  4. I've always adopted the motto "Thems who's fit enough to exercise don't need to, and thems who ain't, shouldn't".

  5. "...the bloody things were never used again, except as doss holes for the local druggies, glue sniffers, and fly tippers."

    Depressingly predictable.. :/

    "They'll have a lot of air miles if they've genuinely established an intergenerational link in Croydon's population."


    "I've always adopted the motto "Thems who's fit enough to exercise don't need to, and thems who ain't, shouldn't"."

