Tuesday 19 August 2014

"All the police have said is I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but I don’t think that’s what they would have said if it had been my dog."

And that 'wrong place'..? Just walking home on a public street.

Asking for it, wasn't he?
Craig said: “It’s just not something you expect to happen.
“The police told my partner it was on a lead but was too far out for the officer to control it, and if that’s the case they should have it on a shorter lead.
“You don’t want somebody who’s got nothing to do with a police incident getting involved in a chase.”
He said the police knew instantly the dog had caught the wrong person as the suspect they were looking for was wearing shorts.
I guess the dog didn't read the BOLO...
A spokesman for GMP admitted a man had been bitten by a police dog during the response to reports of the fight, which was treated as a grade one incident, receiving scratches on his arms and puncture wounds on the thigh.
At least they didn't kill this one...


  1. Over the last few years, a sharp rise in the incidence of police dogs attacking innocent citizens, is very disconcerting. Compensation amounting to £millions, quietly settled out of court, are matched by greedy fees. All of which is woofed from the public purse.

    Where dogs are used for search/rescue or tracking and drugs, good results are a matter of record. But attack-trained police dogs are an inherently dangerous presence in our midst.

    Overall risks to the public from the hazards of flesh ripping and serious bacterial infection, have to be justified. These hazards are multiplied by risks which cannot be assessed with any consistency due to unpredictable natures (not confined to canine).

    Maiming statistics alone demand a public debate on the the future, if there be any, for attack-trained police dogs.

  2. Robert the Biker19 August 2014 at 14:59

    Well, on the sharp end of a police dog is definitely the wrong place! :)

  3. During the whole incident, including the fight, I wonder if Craig's injuries were the most serious.

  4. "Over the last few years, a sharp rise in the incidence of police dogs attacking innocent citizens, is very disconcerting. "

    With ACPO seemingly determined to phase them out (Christ knows why, when used properly, they are invaluable), maybe not for much longer?

    "During the whole incident, including the fight, I wonder if Craig's injuries were the most serious."

    They seem pretty serious to me!

  5. 'With ACPO seemingly determined to phase them out...'

    Out of curiosity, have you seen any specific evidence, Julia?
